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New Report: Implementing “30% by 2030” Renewable Energy Policy Would Generate $13 Billion for PA

Posted by Savannah Gribbins on Feb 1, 2024

Report released as state legislators consider policies to increase the state’s Alternative Energy Portfolio Standard (AEPS). 

HARRISBURG, PA – More than $13.1 billion could be invested in Pennsylvania over the next seven years, and 129,000 jobs could be created, if policymakers increase the Commonwealth’s clean energy standards in line with Governor Shapiro’s ‘30% renewable energy by 2030’ campaign pledge, according to a new report released today by three business associations, Advanced Energy United, MAREC Action, and American Clean Power Association.

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Topics: State Policy, Press Releases, Pennsylvania, Nathan Willcox, Nick Bibby

Businesses Announce Support for Advanced Clean Trucks Rule in Pennsylvania

Posted by Adam Winer on Oct 25, 2023

Advanced Energy United joins coalition effort in support of Pennsylvania implementing Advanced Clean Trucks (ACT) standards
Harrisburg, PA   Today, a coalition of businesses and other organizations announced their support for implementing Pennsylvania's Advanced Clean Trucks (ACT) standards. In a letter to the Shapiro Administration, the companies and organizations urged the Commonwealth to begin the rulemaking process for the adoption of the ACT rule before the end of 2023. The ACT rule helps modernize medium-heavy duty vehicles (MHDV), improves public health, and makes Pennsylvania a leader in electrification as more vehicles and manufacturers move to electric technology.
In 2020, Pennsylvania joined over a dozen states in signing a joint memorandum of understanding (MOU), committing to electrifying and eliminating toxic air pollution from new medium- and heavy-duty vehicles (MHDVs) by 2050. In the Spring of 2022, the MOU signatory states released a draft Action Plan highlighting the adoption of the ACT as a powerful tool to reach the MOU goals.  Eight states  have already adopted the ACT rule, including our New Jersey neighbors as well as California, Colorado, Massachusetts, New York, Washington, Oregon, and Vermont. Connecticut, Maine, Rhode Island, Maryland, and New Mexico are all in the adoption process or have announced plans to begin the rulemaking process.
 “In addition to improving air quality for Pennsylvanians, the Advanced Clean Trucks rule will lower costs for vehicle fleet operators and unlock new, cost-effective options for Pennsylvania businesses,” said Nick Bibby, Pennsylvania state lead at Advanced Energy United, a business association that represents a wide spectrum of companies involved in vehicle production, charging infrastructure, and energy management software. "Small businesses, which have been hit hard by inflation and volatile fuel and supply chain prices, will benefit significantly from this regulation because it will help them switch to vehicles that cost less to operate and maintain.”
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Topics: Press Releases, Pennsylvania, Nick Bibby

E&E News: Maryland Lawmakers Send Governor Bill to Quadruple Offshore Wind

Posted by Zach Bright on Apr 27, 2023

E&E News wrote about the POWER Act, quoting Nick Bibby on the legislation's crucial changes that will help push increase electric transmission and wind development in Maryland.

Maryland is poised to more than quadruple its offshore wind target after a key energy measure cleared the General Assembly on Monday and headed for the governor’s desk.

The bill would codify a goal of 8.5 gigawatts of offshore wind by 2031, up from the roughly 2 GW already approved by the state. Gov. Wes Moore (D) endorsed the centerpiece of the legislation in March and has said he wants the state to lead the nation in offshore wind. Clean energy groups expect that he'll sign the measure into law.

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Topics: United In The News, Nick Bibby