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Canary Media: Supreme Court Decision Threatens Biden’s ​‘Whole of Government’ Climate Plan

Posted by Jeff St. John on Jul 3, 2024

Canary Media reports on the consequences of the U.S. Supreme Court’s decision to overturn the Chevron doctrine, quoting United's Jeremy McDiarmid on the decision's implications for key aspects of the Inflation Reduction Act.

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Topics: Federal Policy, United In The News, Jeremy McDiarmid

Advanced Energy United Looks Forward to Strong Competition in Offshore Wind Solicitation

Posted by Savannah Gribbins on Mar 27, 2024

Anticipation builds for the latest round of offshore wind solicitation in New England 

BOSTON, MA – The southern New England states are poised to receive a robust set of competitive proposals from offshore wind developers in the upcoming offshore wind solicitation spanning Connecticut, Massachusetts, and Rhode Island. In addition to the unique three-state collaboration, the recent guidance from the U.S. Department of Treasury should provide this round of bidding with an abundance of options to deliver clean energy solutions, foster economic development, and secure savings for utility ratepayers. 

"This solicitation marks a significant step towards revitalizing offshore wind projects in the United States,” stated Jeremy McDiarmid, Managing Director at Advanced Energy United. “We anticipate a highly competitive landscape, with established developers vying to contribute innovative solutions to meet New England’s energy needs.”  

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Topics: Press Releases, Offshore Wind, Massachusetts, Jeremy McDiarmid, New England, Connecticut

RTO Insider: Panel Connects Clean Energy Transition to Boston’s Big Dig

Posted by Jon Lamson on Mar 21, 2024

RTO Insider reports on Advanced Energy United's recent Boston-area event, moderated by United's Laura Bartsch, about the need to overcome challenges on the path to meeting the country's clean energy infrastructure needs, quoting United's Jeremy McDiarmid on the importance of getting people to see the big picture perspective.

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Topics: United In The News, Manufacturing and Infrastructure, Transmission, Massachusetts, Jeremy McDiarmid

Reuters: US Efforts To Restore Offshore Wind Pipeline Spur Factory Investments

Posted by Eduardo Garcia on Feb 15, 2024

Reuters reports on new investments in offshore wind manufacturing from company US Forged Rings, quoting United's Jeremy McDiarmid on the budding U.S. offshore wind supply chain.
US Forged Rings, a new company created by piping group Canadoil, announced plans last week to invest $700 million in a tower fabrication facility and a steel forging plant on the East Coast to supply components to the offshore wind industry.
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Topics: United In The News, Offshore Wind, Jeremy McDiarmid

WBUR: Mass. Is on Track to Meet Its Near-Term Climate Goals, but the Hardest Work Lies Ahead

Posted by Miriam Wasser on Dec 1, 2023

WBUR reports on the release of Massachusetts Governor Healey's first annual Climate Report Card, aimed at informing Massachusetts residents of the progress state executive offices are collectively making to achieve climate goals and mandates. The article quotes  Jeremy McDiarmid, who speaks to the importance of the assessment in mapping out what work needs to be accomplished over the next five years for the commonwealth to reach its longer-term climate goals.

Massachusetts is legally required to zero-out planet-warming emissions by mid-century, and to get there the state must do several critical things: Replace fossil fuel-powered vehicles and home heating systems with ones that run on electricity; develop more renewable resources like wind and solar; and use nature-based solutions to sequester and store as much carbon as possible.

So how is the state doing on all of this? On Friday, the Healey administration revealed in its first annual climate report card that the state is on track for its 2025 goals.

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Topics: United In The News, Massachusetts, Jeremy McDiarmid

The Boston Globe: Power Shift: In less than a decade, the state’s electric grid must dramatically transform. It won’t be easy.

Posted by Sabrina Shankman on May 13, 2023

The Boston Globe examines Massachusetts' uphill climb towards achieving its steep clean energy goals, quoting Jeremy McDiarmid's enthusiasm surrounding the state's ability to tackle transmission and infrastructure obstacles to make way for advanced energy technologies.

There is nothing sexy about the electric grid. 

It’s a thing we don’t think about — plug in your phone charger, flip on your lights, move on with your day. 

Maybe you have a vague idea of what’s powering it, some mix of fossil fuels and clean energy. Maybe not. 

But as climate-fueled catastrophes mount and Massachusetts pushes hundreds of thousands of residents toward electric heat and electric cars, what’s powering the grid has become an increasingly urgent question. For nearly three decades, the state has been slowly nudging out coal and oil and cobbling together enough climate-friendly energy to make steady but undramatic gains. But now, with deadlines looming and its larger climate plans at stake, Massachusetts must embark on an unprecedented sprint to build enough clean energy to complete a clean grid. Success is anything but certain. 

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Topics: United In The News, Massachusetts, Jeremy McDiarmid