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Congress Should Pursue Comprehensive, Bipartisan Permitting Reform

Posted by Adam Winer on Jul 22, 2024

New proposal from Barrasso and Manchin a good foundation on which to build

WASHINGTON, DC – Today, Senators Barrasso and Manchin released the framework for a package of reforms aimed at changing how we permit and site electric transmission, energy generation, and mining projects for the critical minerals needed to power many advanced energy technologies. National business association Advanced Energy United is calling on Congress to build on the framework provided to pass comprehensive permitting reform that supports America’s transition to an economy built on advanced energy.
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Topics: Federal Policy, Press Releases, Manufacturing and Infrastructure, Harrison Godfrey

Bipartisan GEO Act Would Accelerate Adoption of Promising Geothermal Energy

Posted by Adam Winer on Jun 5, 2024

National business association Advanced Energy United endorses GEO Act 

WASHINGTON, DC – The Geothermal Energy Optimization (GEO) Act was recently proposed by a bipartisan group of Senators with the goal of accelerating the adoption of geothermal energy nationwide. Geothermal energy has the potential to be an important part of America’s growing advanced energy resource mix, alongside energy efficiency, energy storage, solar, and wind.

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Topics: Federal Policy, Press Releases, Manufacturing, Harrison Godfrey

States Must Unleash the Potential of the U.S. EPA’s “Solar for All” Awards

Posted by Adam Winer on Apr 22, 2024

The Solar For All program is giving out $7 billion in funding from the Inflation Reduction Act

WASHINGTON, DC – Today, The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) announced 60 grants, worth up to $7 billion, for states, territories, Tribal governments, municipalities, and nonprofits for its Solar for All program. The program is expected to benefit over 900,000 households in low-income communities and generate roughly $350 million in annual energy savings by increasing access to affordable, resilient, and clean solar and storage technology.

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Topics: Federal Policy, Press Releases, Harrison Godfrey

E&E News: EPA to Unleash $7B for Low-Income Solar Projects

Posted by Jean Chemnick on Apr 18, 2024

E&E News reports on the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency's Solar for All program, meant to reduce energy costs and lower pollution in poor areas across the U.S., quoting United's Harry Godfrey on the program's potential to promote distributed generation and community solar deployment.

EPA is expected to announce the recipients of a $7 billion climate program on Monday that aims to lower energy costs and reduce pollution in poor communities across the country by installing solar power systems on homes.

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Topics: United In The News, Harrison Godfrey

Inflation Reduction Act’s stackable 45X credits will help onshore clean energy manufacturing

Posted by Adam Winer on Dec 14, 2023

Advanced Energy United encouraged by Treasury guidance, inclusion of recycling and innovative technologies 

WASHINGTON, DC – Today, national business association Advanced Energy United commended the U.S. Department of Treasury for clarifying its guidance on how to use the 45X tax credit established by the Inflation Reduction Act, including the inclusion of recycled content and allowing for innovative technologies to qualify. 

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Topics: Federal Policy, Press Releases, Harrison Godfrey

Heatmap: Biden’s One Tax Credit to Rule Them All

Posted by Emily Pontecorvo on Dec 14, 2023

Heatmap reports on the Inflation Reduction Act's 45X tax credit, quoting United's Harry Godfrey on how this pillar program within the law directly supports advanced energy technologies and benefits U.S. manufacturers producing components up and down their supply chains.

This year may forever be remembered as the start of the American clean energy manufacturing boom.

Since the beginning of 2023, companies have announced more than 150 separate investments in new and expanded factories to manufacture solar panels, wind turbines, batteries, and other clean energy technologies in the U.S., for a total pledged outlay of nearly $60 billion, according to tracking by the nonpartisan group E2. And these factories won’t just be assembling the final products. Entire supply chains have arrived on shore.

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Topics: Federal Policy, United In The News, Manufacturing and Infrastructure, Harrison Godfrey

News From The States: Minelands and Power Plants Are Hot Renewable Development Spots

Posted by Robert Zullo on Nov 24, 2023

News From The States reports on a growing number of states converting old coal plants to renewable energy sites, quoting  Harry Godfrey, who speaks on the opportunities for states to create jobs and generate tax revenue through these conversions with support from the incentives designated by the Inflation Reduction Act.

AES Indiana’s Petersburg Generating Station, which towers over the White River here in southwest Indiana, has been burning coal to generate electricity since the late 1960s.

That era, though, will come to an end soon. Two of the power plant’s four coal-burning units have already retired and the last is planning to shut down in 2025. 

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Topics: State Policy, United In The News, Manufacturing and Infrastructure, Harrison Godfrey

Advanced Energy United Endorses Bipartisan Legislation Regarding Domestic Mineral Production

Posted by Adam Winer on Nov 15, 2023

Advanced Energy United endorses The Mining Schools Act and The Good Samaritan Remediation Act

WASHINGTON, DC – Today, Advanced Energy United (United), as part of its work to advance permitting reform and bolster domestic supply chains for advanced energy manufacturing, endorsed two pieces of bipartisan legislation, The Mining Schools Act and Good Samaritan Act, currently under consideration in the U.S. Senate.

“United is proud to support America’s transition to a 100% clean, fully electrified energy future, utilizing advanced energy technologies made right here in the U.S. when possible,” said Harrison Godfrey, Managing Director at Advanced Energy United and head of the organization’s Federal Investment & Manufacturing Working Group.

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Topics: Federal Policy, Press Releases, Harrison Godfrey

Debt Ceiling Deal a Start, Bipartisan Clean Energy Permitting Reform Still Needed

Posted by Adam Winer on May 30, 2023

WASHINGTON, D.C., May 30, 2023 – With Congressional leaders and the White House coming to an agreement in principle over raising the national debt limit, Harrison Godfrey, Managing Director at Advanced Energy United, released the following statement:

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Topics: Federal Policy, Press Releases, Harrison Godfrey

Advanced Energy United Responds to Newly Proposed House Bill That Would Scrap Portions of the Inflation Reduction Act

Posted by Adam Winer on Apr 20, 2023

WASHINGTON, DC, April 20, 2023 – National business association Advanced Energy United today called on members of Congress to reject efforts to undo portion of the landmark Inflation Reduction Act and instead work together on advancing legislation that will help America transition to electricity and transportation systems powered by 100% clean energy. In response to a newly proposed House of Representatives bill that would scrap portions of the Inflation Reduction Act, Harry Godfrey, Managing Director at Advanced Energy United, released the following statement:

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Topics: Press Releases, Harrison Godfrey