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Opposition to FERC Transmission Rule is Misguided

Posted by Adam Winer on Jun 13, 2024

FERC Order No. 1920 “provides states with an opportunity to lead” says Advanced Energy United 

WASHINGTON, DC - A few states and entities have filed rehearing requests seeking to undo the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (FERC) decision to improve the rules for how the U.S. plans and pays for long-distance transmission lines. The filings appear to reflect a misunderstanding about how FERC Order No. 1920 will impact states. Rather than sideline the states, as the filings suggest, the FERC order provides a new, formalized process by which states have a role in transmission planning. 

“Households and businesses pay the price when we play politics with our electricity system,” said Amisha Rai, Vice President of Policy and Advocacy Advanced Energy United. “We need states to work together to make the system stronger so that residents don't fall victim to another blackout as we all witnessed during Winter Storm Uri.”

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Topics: Federal Policy, Press Releases, Amisha Rai, FERC

E&E News: DOE Calls for Overhaul of Grid Technology

Posted by Peter Behr on Apr 17, 2024

E&E News reports on the U.S. Department of Energy's recent report spelling out the advantages of advanced technologies in expanding grid capacity, quoting United's Amisha Rai on how advanced technologies could solve much of the country’s electricity challenges.

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Topics: United In The News, Amisha Rai

Clean Energy Industry Applauds State Regulators’ Call for a Western Region Electricity Market

Posted by Angelyn Tabalba on Jul 14, 2023

Western commissioners’ letter signals positive collaboration around regionalization to deliver reliable, affordable energy to the West and calls for action on Western RTO development 

SACRAMENTO, CA -  Today, commissioners from Arizona, California, New Mexico, Oregon, and Washington sent a letter to the leadership of the Western Interstate Energy Board (WIEB) and the Committee on Regional Electric Power Cooperation (CREPC) outlining their intent to work collectively toward a West-wide Regional Transmission Organization (RTO). The letter represents a breakthrough in efforts to advance the regions’ energy landscape and is key to creating a market that fosters collaboration, improved reliability, and economic growth. Advanced Energy United, the national clean business association, applauded the effort and released the following statement:

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Topics: Press Releases, Amisha Rai, Western RTO

Leading Energy Experts Call for Expanded Transmission and Distributed Resources, Western Regional Grid Coordination in Response to 2023 NERC Summer Reliability Assessment

Posted by Adam Winer on May 17, 2023

WASHINGTON, DC, May 17, 2023 — Today the North American Electric Reliability Corporation (NERC) released its annual summer reliability assessment warning Western states that they are in for another summer of elevated risk of blackouts due to extreme heat in 2023. NERC issued a similar warning last May, before record heat waves strained energy supplies in Arizona, California, Colorado, Montana, Nevada, Utah, Wyoming, and the Pacific Northwest in September.

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Topics: Press Releases, Colorado, Leah Rubin Shen, Amisha Rai, Western RTO, California, Arizona, Nevada

Sacramento Bee: California Could Keep the Lights on by Expanding Grid Across the West, Report Finds

Posted by Ari Platchta on Apr 11, 2023

The Sacramento Bee explores the importance of expanding California's grid, quoting Amisha Rai on how California lawmakers should act quickly to work with neighboring states.

Expanding California’s electricity grid to cooperate with neighboring states would bolster reliability and affordability while reducing carbon emissions, researchers at the U.S. Department of Energy concluded in a new report. The report released Monday said California would both maintain jurisdiction over energy rates and stay on track to meet its clean energy goals as nearby states such as Arizona, Colorado, Nevada, New Mexico, Oregon and Washington strive to meet theirs.

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Topics: United In The News, Amisha Rai

Advanced Energy United Applauds Introduction of California Legislation to Improve Power Transmission and Dispatch Operations

Posted by Calista Thompson on Feb 9, 2023

Assembly Bill 538 "jumpstarts" conversation around regional grid collaboration, with the potential to save hundreds of millions in energy costs

SACRAMENTO, Calif. – Introduced by Assemblymember Chris Holden (AD41), Assembly Bill 538 would create a structure that would allow the California Independent System Operation (CAISO) to integrate into a broader, independent regional transmission operator (RTO). A 2022 economic development study commissioned by Advanced Energy United and conducted by Energy Strategies found that a transition like the one proposed in AB 538 could create over 138,000 jobs and save ratepayers $538 million per year in energy costs.

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Topics: State Policy, California Engagement, 21st Century Electricity System, Wholesale Markets, Press Releases, Economic Impact, Amisha Rai, Western RTO, California

New Study: Regional Electric Grid Would Supercharge California’s Economy

Posted by Adam Winer on Jan 25, 2023

Joining a Western grid would keep the lights on during extreme weather while creating up to 138,700 jobs and annually reducing energy bills $563 million

SACRAMENTO, Calif. – A new study shows California would see significant economic benefits from participating in a regional electric grid with neighboring states. Conducted by independent consulting firm Energy Strategies on behalf of business association Advanced Energy United (formerly Advanced Energy Economy), the study found that joining a regional transmission organization (RTO) could generate upwards of $21.7 billion in new annual gross state product for California and up to 138,000 new, permanent, living-wage jobs. 

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Topics: State Policy, California Engagement, 21st Century Electricity System, Wholesale Markets, Press Releases, Economic Impact, Amisha Rai, California

Canary Media: Fixing the US power grid: A challenge for 2023 and beyond

Posted by Jeff St. John on Dec 29, 2022

Canary Media detailed the need to strengthen the country’s electricity system, quoting Amisha Rai on how the US can build out its energy infrastructure. Read snippets below and the full article here

The grid may be the weakest link in the chain connecting the U.S. to a clean energy future. 

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Topics: 21st Century Electricity System, United In The News, Amisha Rai

Study Shows Regional Electric Grid Would Energize Economy in CO, NM, AZ

Posted by Cayli Baker on Dec 6, 2022

Joining a Western RTO would power economic growth and save residents millions in annual energy costs.

December 6, 2022 – Joining a Western RTO would create thousands of permanent jobs and save ratepayers millions of dollars in annual energy costs, according to new data from Advanced Energy Economy. The findings fromthree new state-specific reportsfor Colorado, New Mexico, and Arizona are based on a recent west-wide analysis conducted by independent consulting firm Energy Strategies on behalf of AEE that examined the economic impact of establishing a regional power grid.

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Topics: 21st Century Electricity System, Press Releases, Arizona, New Mexico, Colorado, Amisha Rai

Utility Dive: The power grid faced heat waves, record demand and tight conditions in 2022. What happens next?

Posted by Kavya Balaraman on Nov 22, 2022

Utility Dive examined grid reliability issues popping up across the U.S., quoting Amisha Rai and Caitlin Marquis on regional and national solutions. Read snippets below and the full article here.

Power systems across the U.S. faced challenging grid reliability conditions over the past year, but managed to avoid the worst-case scenario of prolonged outages thanks to a combination of policy measures implemented over the last couple of years and luck, experts say.

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Topics: California Engagement, 21st Century Electricity System, Wholesale Markets, United In The News, Texas, Caitlin Marquis, Amisha Rai