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Clean Energy Industry Applauds State Regulators’ Call for a Western Region Electricity Market

Posted by Angelyn Tabalba on Jul 14, 2023

Western commissioners’ letter signals positive collaboration around regionalization to deliver reliable, affordable energy to the West and calls for action on Western RTO development 

SACRAMENTO, CA -  Today, commissioners from Arizona, California, New Mexico, Oregon, and Washington sent a letter to the leadership of the Western Interstate Energy Board (WIEB) and the Committee on Regional Electric Power Cooperation (CREPC) outlining their intent to work collectively toward a West-wide Regional Transmission Organization (RTO). The letter represents a breakthrough in efforts to advance the regions’ energy landscape and is key to creating a market that fosters collaboration, improved reliability, and economic growth. Advanced Energy United, the national clean business association, applauded the effort and released the following statement:

“Advanced Energy United is pleased to see this initiative of increased regional collaboration in service of getting to a well-designed RTO in the West. As we witness increasingly extreme temperatures across the region, western states are recognizing the need for regional solutions,” said Amisha Rai, Vice President of Policy and Advocacy for Advanced Energy United. “Working together across state lines is the most efficient way to deliver reliable, affordable, clean energy, and state leaders have a powerful role to play in laying the groundwork for regional collaboration. We are excited to see the state regulators  come together around a collective vision for regionalizing the grid. We must continue to work together to address growing grid challenges thoughtfully and deliberately. A grid system that has a broad geographic footprint, which includes California, is essential to meeting our collective goals.” 

By advocating for an organized electricity market, Western states recognize the immense value of coordinating resources to strengthen energy reliability regionwide, mitigate the impact of extreme weather, lead to job growth, and bring tremendous economic benefits. An analysis by Advanced Energy United notes that a West-wide organized electricity market would create up to 657,000 permanent, high-paying jobs in the West, while also diversifying state economies and saving ratepayers millions of dollars per year in energy costs. 

Click here to learn more about Advanced Energy United’s work advocating for the development of a competitive wholesale energy market for the Western U.S. 

Topics: Press Releases, Amisha Rai, Western RTO