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Utility Dive: Pathways Initiative Proposes Regional Organization to Oversee Western Power Markets

Posted by Ethan Howland on Oct 2, 2024

Utility Dive reports on the West-Wide Governance Pathways Initiative (WWGPI) draft Step 2 proposal that would create an independent organization to oversee the Energy Imbalance Market (EIM) and pending Extended Day-Ahead Market (EDAM), which are run by the California Independent System Operator. The article quotes United's Brian Turner, a member of the WWGPI Launch Committee, saying that this independent organization could evolve to offer a full range of regional transmission organization services. 

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Topics: United In The News, Western RTO, California, Brian Turner

CBS 21: State Legislators Enforce Need for Electric School Buses Statewide

Posted by Yasmine Cowan on Oct 2, 2024

CBS 21 reports on a press conference held at the Pennsylvania State Capitol where state legislators and clean energy advocates came together to discuss the benefits of electric school buses and push for the passing of House Bill 1542, which would establish a statewide electric school bus grant program. The article quotes United's Nick Bibby who spoke to the cost savings for school districts that utilize electric buses.

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Topics: United In The News, Pennsylvania, Electric Vehicles, Electric school buses, Nick Bibby

Legislators Get a Ride on Pennsylvania’s New Electric School Buses

Posted by Savannah Gribbins on Oct 1, 2024

Joint statement from Pennsylvania Electric School Bus Coalition and Representative Brandon Markosek on school bus ride-alongs for HB1542 

HARRISBURG, PA – Pennsylvania legislators got to experience the future of clean energy firsthand today, courtesy of the Steelton-Highspire School District’s electric school bus fleet, recently acquired using U.S. Environmental Protection Agency Clean School Bus Program funding.  

Advocates and legislators urged Pennsylvania House leaders to pass legislation to fund a statewide electric school bus grant program to expand access to these cleaner, cheaper, and healthier transportation alternatives. Legislation that would create a new electric school bus program, HB 1542, has already passed out of committee, but now faces the crucial step of being brought to the House floor for a vote. 

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Topics: Press Releases, Pennsylvania, Electric Vehicles