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Nevada Current: NV Energy Seeks to Prematurely Recover Costs of $4.2 Billion Transmission Line

Posted by Dana Gentry on Jun 20, 2024

TheNevada Currentcovers NV Energy’s request for its Greenlink transmission project and its latest Integrated Resource Plan which proposes substantial investments in gas peaker plants and renewable energy projects.Brian Turner of Advanced Energy United criticizes NV Energy for its lack of transparency, alleging opaque practices that could lead to higher costs for customers. 

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Topics: United In The News, Nevada, Brian Turner

Utility Dive: NV Energy Proposes 400 MW Gas Peakers, More Than 1 GW Each of Solar, Storage in 2024 IRP

Posted by Robert Walton on Jun 11, 2024

Utility Dive covers NV Energy's 2024 IRP proposing more than 1,000 MW of each solar and storage, as well as the construction of 400MW of gas peakers. The story quotes United's Brian Turner, who finds NV Energy's IRP encouraging in its approach to demand and system planning but disappointing in its resource procurement. 

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Topics: United In The News, Nevada, Brian Turner

NV Energy’s 2024 Integrated Resource Plan Fails to Protect Consumers

Posted by Caroline Grace on Jun 11, 2024

NV Energyproposing over 400MW of new gas on top of 500MW of gas approved less than three months ago.   

CARSON CITY, NV — National business association Advanced Energy United expressed alarm that NV Energy’s 2024 Integrated Resource Plan (IRP) proposes to increase the utility’s exposure to unreliable, expensive, and risky out-of-state gas, while underutilizing made-in-Nevada renewable energy and virtual power plants. 

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Topics: Press Releases, Nevada, Brian Turner

E&E News: Western Market That Could Boost Renewables Moves Forward

Posted by Jason Plautz on Jun 3, 2024

E&E News reports on NV Energy's intent to join the California Independent System Operator Extended Day Ahead Market. United's Leah Rubin Shen is quoted on the several benefits of NV Energy joining a single electricity market. 

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Topics: United In The News, Leah Rubin Shen, Western RTO, Nevada

The Nevada Independent: Why NV Energy Wants to Triple Northern Nevada’s Base Rates

Posted by Amy Alonzo on Jun 2, 2024

The Nevada Independent reports on NV Energy's proposed base service charge increase. If approved, NV Energy will have the highest fixed charge in the nation. Quoted in the article, United's Emilie Olson and Sheila Hallstrom speak out against the dangers of a fixed charge and how this will increase Nevadan's electricity bills.

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Topics: State Policy, United In The News, Emilie Olson, Nevada, Sheila Hallstrom

NV Energy’s Bait-and-Switch Plan Approved by PUCN

Posted by Caroline Grace on Mar 1, 2024

Advanced Energy United expresses disappointment in Nevada’s latest IRP amendment to move forward with natural gas plant, a missed opportunity for clean energy 

LAS VEGAS, NV —National business association Advanced Energy United (United) expressed disappointment todaywith the Nevada Public Utilities Commission (PUCN) decision to approve NV Energy’s Fifth Amendment to its 2021 integrated resource plan (IRP). The decision allows NV Energy to backtrack on plans to retire existing coal and gas plants in Northern Nevada. Instead of replacing them with clean energy as they proposed in 2021, NV Energy candoubledown on these plants for decades longer at a direct cost to ratepayers of at least $100 million, and hundreds of millions more per year in imported fuel costs. 

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Topics: State Policy, Press Releases, Nevada, Brian Turner

Utility Dive: Nevada regulators set to approve NV Energy’s $2B IRP amendment, including new gas resources

Posted by Robert Walton on Mar 1, 2024

In an interview, Utility Dive talks with Advanced Energy United Director Brian Turner on how the Nevada PUC is set to approve NV Energy's 5th Amendment to its 2021 Integrated Resource Plan. 

Nevada regulators could vote today to approve about $2 billion in spending for NV Energy, including new gas, solar and battery resources which critics say should have received more scrutiny and could have been cheaper.

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Topics: Regulatory, United In The News, Nevada, Brian Turner

Nevada Current: NV Energy Not Looking Out for Customers, Say Energy Industry Reps

Posted by Dana Gentry on Dec 19, 2023

The Nevada Current reports on NV Energy's request for a fifth amendment to its Integrated Resource Plan, quoting United's Brian Turner on the importance of competitive procurement and commission oversight.

NV Energy is failing to get the best deals for its customers, resulting in higher than necessary rates, according to experts who say compared with other electric utilities in the west, the company is lagging in leveraging the lowest-cost, and most environmentally friendly options.

In September, an NV Energy executive told Clark County commissioners that fulfilling a legislative mandate to ensure half of its energy is from renewable sources by 2030 “is going to be a challenge.”  

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Topics: PUCs, United In The News, Nevada, Brian Turner

Las Vegas Review-Journal: NV Energy wants $1.8B to replace Nevada’s last coal plant

Posted by Sean Hemmersmeier on Jul 19, 2023

Las Vegas Review-Journal reports on NV Energy's plans to shut down Nevada's last coal plant by 2025, quoting Sarah Steinberg criticism of the utility's proposal to replace the plant's energy source with natural gas.

NV Energy is committing to shutting down its last coal plant by 2025, the utility announced Wednesday, and will spend nearly $2 billion to do it.

The news comes after questions were raised early this year on whether the state’s largest public utility was going to be able to shut down its coal operations on schedule.

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Topics: United In The News, Sarah Steinberg, Nevada

Utility Dive: Nevada revamps IRP process, opens path for NV Energy to own more renewables and storage

Posted by Robert Walton on Jun 21, 2023

Utility Dive reports on the passing of a bill that may undermine Nevada's transition to more affordable and accessible clean energies, quoting Sarah Steinberg on how the legislation could jeopardize the state’s regional clean energy leadership.

Clean energy advocates and conservation groups say AB 524 makes significant improvements to the state’s IRP process — and if NV Energy can build new resources at the lowest cost, then so be it.

“If that makes sense for Nevadans, sure. But it needs to go through the IRP process,” said Christi Cabrera-Georgeson, deputy director of the Nevada Conservation League.

NV Energy last year proposed a 400 MW gas peaker plant through an IRP amendment. It was approved in March, but opponents say the process did not allow for sufficient public input or review. 

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Topics: United In The News, Sarah Steinberg, Nevada