The Nevada Independent reports on NV Energy's decision to convert the North Valmy Generating Station from coal to natural gas instead of retiring it as originally promised. United's Brian Turner criticized this decision, saying that NV Energy missed an opportunity to transition to renewable energy, and warned that this move will keep Nevada dependent on fossil fuels and burden ratepayers with the costs for decades.
Amy Alonzo
Recent Posts
The Nevada Independent: Ordered to Close Its Last Coal Plant, NV Energy Will Now Burn a Different Fossil Fuel
Topics: United In The News, Nevada, Brian Turner
The Nevada Independent: Utility Regulators Shoot Down NV Energy’s Proposed Rate Change for Northern Nevada
The Nevada Independent reports on the Public Utilities Commission of Nevada's (PUCN) unanimous vote that denies NV Energy to raise the basic service charge for its Northern Nevada customers by 175 percent, instead awarding the utility just a fraction of its requested amount. The article quotes United's Emilie Olson, who praised the PUCN's decision to implement a modest rate increase, highlighting its commitment to consumer affordability and protection for Northern Nevadan ratepayers.
Topics: United In The News, Emilie Olson, Nevada
The Nevada Independent: Why NV Energy Wants to Triple Northern Nevada’s Base Rates
The Nevada Independent reports on NV Energy's proposed base service charge increase. If approved, NV Energy will have the highest fixed charge in the nation. Quoted in the article, United's Emilie Olson and Sheila Hallstrom speak out against the dangers of a fixed charge and how this will increase Nevadan's electricity bills.
Topics: State Policy, United In The News, Emilie Olson, Nevada, Sheila Hallstrom