NV Energy Misses Opportunity to Leverage Virtual Power Plants

Posted by Brian Turner, Sheila Hallstrom & Chloe Holden on Jul 24, 2024 1:00:00 PM

Improving Virtual Power Plant Proposals

Imagine having an abundance of cheap, advanced energy resources at your fingertips, but instead proposing to build another natural gas plant. This is what Nevada utility NV Energy is proposing in its 2024 Integrated Resource Plan (IRP). 

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Topics: Nevada, Virtual Power Plants, Chloe Holden, Brian Turner, Sheila Hallstrom

Rhode Island Charts a Bold Path for Energy Storage

Posted by Caroline Driscoll on Jul 19, 2024 10:00:00 AM

Energy Storage Act Drives Progress Towards Clean Energy Goals

Earlier this summer, thanks in large part to the leadership of Senator Dawn Euer and Representative Arthur Handy, Rhode Island took a significant stride towards meeting its clean energy goals by passing the 2024 Energy Storage Systems Act, which Governor Dan McKee signed into law on June 26th. In doing so, Rhode Island joined many of its neighbors in making energy storage a key part of its energy transition strategy. 

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Topics: Rhode Island, Permitting and Siting

The Bipartisan TRACE Act is a Step Toward Greater Supply Chain Transparency

Posted by Harry Godfrey & Joey Paolino on Jul 17, 2024 10:00:00 AM

Critical Minerals Policy Produces Bipartisan Support in Congress

Making the transition to a 100% clean, fully electrified economy will help cut emissions, lower costs, and increase reliability—but it will require more critical minerals and rare earth elements (REE). As we make this transition, the United States will become more energy secure, but will face a new landscape of commodity exposure. Today, we rely too often on tenuous supply chains, some of which are effectively monopolized by geostrategic competitors, for those resources. Despite record electric vehicle sales in 2023 and solar + storage topping all new energy deployed across the U.S., the advanced energy industry contends with highly concentrated sources for critical minerals such as lithium, nickel, cobalt, and copper, that power their technologies. Supply chain transparency, coupled with onshoring and friendshoring critical minerals production, diversified sourcing, and recycling play important roles in fortifying supply chains and reducing risk.   

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Topics: Federal Policy, Harry Godfrey, Joey Paolino, Critical Minerals

A Guide to Reforming State-Level Siting and Permitting Policies

Posted by Trish Demeter on Jul 11, 2024 9:00:00 AM

Principles to Effectively Reform Large-Scale Clean Energy Siting Laws

Two energy trends are at play today in nearly every state: the demand for more electricity in general is rising for the first time in two decades, and the demand for a greater share of new electric-generating resources to be from clean resources is at an all-time high. Even before landmark legislation like the Inflation Reduction Act (IRA) and the Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act (IIJA) unlocked unprecedented levels of incentives to build new wind, solar and battery storage projects, nearly all new generating capacity added to the U.S. power grid was from clean energy. Now, there is also increasing pressure to accelerate the building of new clean energy resources thanks to growing energy needs driven by increased domestic manufacturing, more transportation electrification, and data centers and artificial intelligence. Many of the companies building these new facilities want them to be powered by renewable energy. 

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Topics: Permitting and Siting, Trish Demeter

Maryland Commits to Clean and Efficient Buildings, Now Must Commit to Long-Term Gas Planning

Posted by Nick Bibby and Shawn Kelly on Jul 8, 2024 10:00:00 AM

New Maryland Executive Order Needs Thoughtful Implementation

On June 4, Governor Wes Moore cemented his place among clean energy champions when he announced that he intends to double down on Maryland’s commitment to 100% clean energy by 2035. Moore’s Executive Order, carrying the full force of law, created a Governor’s Subcabinet on Climate and directed all state agencies to develop Climate Implementation Plans that align with the state’s Climate Pollution Reduction Plan, identify funding and funding gaps to fully implement their plans, and consider how to advance environmental justice and address disproportionate impacts of climate change on underserved and overburdened communities. The order impacts the power sector, the transportation sector, and critically: the building sector.  

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Topics: Maryland, Nick Bibby, Building Decarbonization, Shawn Kelly



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