The Future of Heat in Buildings Has Policymakers Reconsidering How We Plan Natural Gas Infrastructure

Posted by Sarah Steinberg on Nov 2, 2022 3:00:00 PM

BLOG GRAPHIC 2022 As building electrification accelerates new gas investments get risky

2022 has been a banner year for clean energy, with several important policy, market, and geopolitical drivers shifting the conversation. Electric building heating technologies are no exception and as the use of natural gas declines in response to these trendlines, a lot remains “TBD” on how to transition away from the fossil fuel. Because the decisions we make today will lock in infrastructure and costs for decades, state policymakers are beginning to reexamine the way we plan and pay for the use of gas in buildings today. They need new tools, and AEE is here to help. 

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Topics: Regulatory, Energy Efficiency, California, Nevada, Massachusetts, Rhode Island, Washington, Hawaii, Minnesota, Wisconsin, New York, Colorado, Federal Priorities



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