In Shifting Political Landscape, State-Level Advocacy Will Be Crucial to Sustaining the Momentum of the Advanced Energy Industry

Posted by Adam Winer on Nov 26, 2024 2:49:34 PM

How States Can Step Up in the Evolving Energy Political Landscape

In 2025, the advanced energy sector faces uncertainty as changes in political leadership in Washington, D.C. raise concerns about shifting priorities in the federal agencies, and the potential for rollbacks of key policies within the Inflation Reduction Act (IRA) and other recent legislation. 

To address how the advanced energy industry can sustain its momentum amidst these challenges, Advanced Energy United recently hosted a webinar entitled Beyond the Ballot: Mapping State Clean Energy Strategies Post-Election.” Moderated by Jeff St. John, Director of News and Special Projects at Canary Media, the discussion featured insights from panelists Amisha Rai, Vice President of Advocacy at United; Harry Godfrey, Managing Director of Federal Investment and Manufacturing at United; and Kim Jemaine, Managing Director of the clean energy advocacy organization Counterspark. 

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Topics: State Policy, Federal Priorities

Pennsylvanians Are Building Our Clean Energy Future Today. And They’re Just Getting Started.

Posted by Harry Godfrey on Nov 5, 2024 9:25:19 AM

140,000 Pennsylvanians employed by advanced energy

Pennsylvania has roughly 270,000 energy workers – nearly half are employed by companies in the advanced energy industry, including those generating solar power, manufacturing energy storage batteries, and helping Pennsylvanians save money by reducing energy waste. While Pennsylvania’s history is rooted in fossil fuels, its present and future is as an advanced energy leader.

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Topics: Pennsylvania, Federal Priorities, Federal Priorities

Recent U.S. Department of Energy Investments Accelerate Advanced Energy Technology Deployment

Posted by Harry Godfrey on Oct 28, 2024 10:10:29 AM

DOE Funding Aims to Harness a Resilient and Reliable Grid

This month, the U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) announced three major investments aimed at enhancing the resilience and reliability of our nation’s electric grid in response to growing demand.

The investments made by DOE’s Transmission Facilitation Program, Grid Resilience and Innovation Partnerships (GRIP) Program, and Advanced Energy Manufacturing and Recycling Program represent significant funding for the modernization of our country’s energy infrastructure, whether through transmission projects, innovative grid solutions, or manufacturing capabilities. Funded directly by the Bipartisan Infrastructure Law (IIJA) and the Inflation Reduction Act (IRA), these programs are designed to create a reliable, clean, and affordable grid, while generating thousands of jobs and supporting disadvantaged communities. 

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Topics: Transmission, Federal Priorities, Federal Priorities

Applying Lessons Learned From the Big Dig in Boston to the Clean Energy Transition

Posted by Laura Bartsch on Mar 28, 2024 11:45:00 AM

Why Storytelling Is Needed to Power Our Energy Future

Our industry has a story to tell. It is a great story. It is the story of a growing, job-creating, economic engine of our society. It’s about an industry that is poised to leverage billions of dollars in federal and state funds into many billions more in private investment to transform our energy infrastructure and create the path to a cleaner, more reliable, more affordable energy future. It’s about the chance to bring people who have been ignored or excluded into the energy resource planning process to define and implement community benefit projects that are, in fact, beneficial.  

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Topics: Event, Transmission, Advanced Energy United, Federal Priorities

A Toolkit to Help Make the Most of the Federal Home Energy Rebates

Posted by Harry Godfrey on Sep 28, 2023 12:33:27 PM

A guide to maximizing the IRA efficiency & electrification rebatesThe Inflation Reduction Act (IRA) contained a variety of incentives, grants programs, and policies to help catalyze not only the growth of clean generation, but also energy efficiency and building electrification. Among the notable measures in the landmark law were a pair of residential rebate programs - the Home Efficiency Rebates and the Home Electrification and Appliance Rebates Programs – for which the IRA provided $8.6 billion.

Now, the U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) is prepared to begin allocating these funds out to all 50 states and tribes across the country, to help them provide upfront rebates on efficiency projects, new heat-pump HVAC systems, smart electric panels, and more. While Congress and DOE have attached some requirements to these funds, state energy offices (SEOs) are responsible for designing specific rebate programs. They will decide which households receive rebates, which technologies they finance, and how the rebate programs serve larger public policy goals.  

To help states navigate the application process for these funds, and design effective programs, Advanced Energy United and Rewiring America teamed up to produce a new guide: “Making the Most of the Federal Home Energy Rebates.” Informed by the experience and expertise of companies, advocates, and industry experts working in the efficiency, electrification, and distributed energy resource (DER) space this guide is crafted to help states serve low- and moderate-income consumers while also spurring a larger market for residential efficiency, electrification, and DERs broadly.  

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Topics: Energy Efficiency, Federal Priorities, Federal Priorities



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