Illinois Sees Momentum on the Future of Clean Heat

Posted by Kate Shonk on Aug 9, 2024 1:00:00 PM

Progress and Momentum for Clean Buildings in Illinois

Illinois has made major progress towards a clean energy future over the last several years, but its journey to clean, affordable heat is just beginning. The state’s landmark energy bill, the 2021 Clean and Equitable Jobs Act (CEJA), was a major victory for decarbonizing the electric grid, though it did not directly address or create new policies aimed at decarbonizing heating systems. On this front, more work is needed to fully achieve 100% clean across the electric and building sectors. The good news is that key regulators, thought leaders, and decision makers in Illinois have already gotten started on grappling with this complex topic.  

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Topics: Illinois, Building Decarbonization

Maryland Commits to Clean and Efficient Buildings, Now Must Commit to Long-Term Gas Planning

Posted by Nick Bibby and Shawn Kelly on Jul 8, 2024 10:00:00 AM

New Maryland Executive Order Needs Thoughtful Implementation

On June 4, Governor Wes Moore cemented his place among clean energy champions when he announced that he intends to double down on Maryland’s commitment to 100% clean energy by 2035. Moore’s Executive Order, carrying the full force of law, created a Governor’s Subcabinet on Climate and directed all state agencies to develop Climate Implementation Plans that align with the state’s Climate Pollution Reduction Plan, identify funding and funding gaps to fully implement their plans, and consider how to advance environmental justice and address disproportionate impacts of climate change on underserved and overburdened communities. The order impacts the power sector, the transportation sector, and critically: the building sector.  

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Topics: Maryland, Nick Bibby, Building Decarbonization, Shawn Kelly

New York Session Ends: Key Energy Bills Stalled, Some Progress Made

Posted by Kristina Persaud on Jun 20, 2024 12:30:00 PM

Mixed Results for Energy Legislation in NY Session

The New York State legislature gaveled out in the early morning hours of June 8, marking the end of a tumultuous legislative session and leaving many bills, including some key United-championed pieces of legislation, unpassed. 

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Topics: State Policy, Transmission, New York, Building Decarbonization

Regulating a Gas System in Transition: The Need for New Approaches to New Challenges

Posted by Sarah Steinberg on Jun 11, 2024 1:00:00 PM

A Guide to Reforming Gas Utility Regulation

For the past 20 years, states across the country have been working to re-orient our electric utilities around 21st-century goals, including greenhouse gas reductions, distributed resource integration, peak load management, resilience from emerging weather threats, energy burden alleviation, and more. These efforts have led to a plethora of new policies, programs, and processes that span from demand response and time varying rates to non-wires alternatives, performance incentive mechanisms to distribution system planning and hosting capacity analysis. Many of these reforms seek to mitigate the inherent bias in the electric utility world towards capital expenditures and large utility-owned resources, to varying degrees of success.

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Topics: Building Electrification, Building Decarbonization

Charting California’s Gas Infrastructure Transition

Posted by Callie McKenna and Edson Perez on May 13, 2024 8:30:00 AM

Necessary Steps to Decarbonize the Gas System in the Golden State

California has long been thought of as a pioneer in the clean energy movement, often first among states to seize new opportunities and try bold ideas to ensure a sustainable future for its residentsboth environmentally and economically.  

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Topics: State Policy, California, Building Decarbonization



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