Ensuring Hispanic Participation in the Clean Energy Transition

Posted by Michael Barrio on Jul 2, 2024 2:51:56 PM

New Mexico’s Perspectives for a Sustainable Future

It's important that all stakeholders are included in the clean energy transition, bringing diverse perspectives to address challenges and opportunities. And, when we are given a platform to speak, it’s crucial that we are intentional about the conversations we have. 

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Topics: Event, New Mexico

People are Talking about a Western Grid

Posted by Amisha Rai on Dec 15, 2022 2:06:25 PM

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As consumers face the electricity cost hikes and threats of blackouts that come with extreme weather conditions, it’s more important than ever to consider the potential benefits of a West-wide power grid. We already know that a Western regional transmission organization (RTO) could improve power system reliability, but a recent west-wide analysis conducted by Energy Strategies on behalf of AEE confirms that the region would also net major economic gains by establishing this kind of regional power grid. AEE also released three state-specific summaries showing that a Western RTO would generate huge economic benefits in Colorado, New Mexico, and Arizona. And that got people talking. 

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Topics: Arizona, Western RTO, Colorado, Amisha Rai, New Mexico

With the Advanced Energy Transition Top of Mind This Election Cycle, AEE Engages with Candidates in Key Races

Posted by Gigi Olmedo and Nathan Willcox on Oct 20, 2022 11:00:00 AM

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While much attention is focused on key Congressional races as we head into Election Day, the outcomes of contests for governor and state legislative seats could be just as consequential for the clean energy industry—if not more so. To ensure state policies help advanced energy and transportation make the necessary strides needed for the U.S. to reach net zero, AEE met with more than 130 candidates in key races to emphasize the value of clean energy.

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Topics: State Policy, Texas, Arizona, Decision Maker Engagement, Indiana, California, Nevada, New York, Colorado, New Mexico, Michigan, Florida

What Would a Regional Electricity Market Do for the West? Plenty

Posted by Amisha Rai on Aug 2, 2022 1:00:00 PM

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As the West deals with a record-setting heat wave that is fueling catastrophic droughts and wildfires and is testing the limits of America's aging power grid, our team at AEE is focused on how we can improve grid resilience and connect more clean energy by establishing a regional transmission organization (RTO) to operate the power grid for Western states. Now, we can say with certainty just what the West would gain in savings, jobs, and economic growth - and it’s a lot.

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Topics: Wholesale Markets, Arizona, Economic Impact, California, Nevada, Montana, Utah, Wyoming, Idaho, Western RTO, Oregon, Washington, Colorado, New Mexico

Top 10 State Legislative Issues of 2022

Posted by Robert Haggart on Jun 8, 2022 11:00:00 AM

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Since the start of this year’s legislative sessions, Advanced Energy Economy has been tracking energy legislation across all 50 states, the District of Columbia, and the U.S. Congress through its online PowerSuite platform. PowerSuite provides policy tracking by policy professionals. In the process, we have identified several trends in how states are contemplating the future of their energy, transportation, and building sectors. The bills described in this post, which range from simply introduced to fully signed into law, by no means represent every bill in the country filed this year, but are rather indicative of the attention being devoted to each topic by lawmakers. What follows represents the top 10 state energy legislative issues of 2022.

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Topics: State Policy, Advanced Transportation, Virginia, Arizona, Pennsylvania, Indiana, California, Massachusetts, Arkansas, Maine, Nebraska, Tennessee, Maryland, Wyoming, Connecticut, New Jersey, West Virginia, Idaho, Washington, Hawaii, Louisiana, Minnesota, New Hampshire, South Dakota, New York, Colorado, New Mexico, Florida, Illinois



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