NV Energy Misses Opportunity to Leverage Virtual Power Plants

Posted by Brian Turner, Sheila Hallstrom & Chloe Holden on Jul 24, 2024 1:00:00 PM

Improving Virtual Power Plant Proposals

Imagine having an abundance of cheap, advanced energy resources at your fingertips, but instead proposing to build another natural gas plant. This is what Nevada utility NV Energy is proposing in its 2024 Integrated Resource Plan (IRP). 

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Topics: Nevada, Virtual Power Plants, Chloe Holden, Brian Turner, Sheila Hallstrom

How High Fixed Charges Will Burden Northern Nevadans

Posted by Emilie Olson and Brian Turner on May 15, 2024 10:00:00 AM

Mitigating the Dangers of High Fixed Charges

What is a fixed charge? Similar to fixed costs you see on your cell phone or internet bill, a fixed charge, also referred to as a “basic service charge,” is a monthly fee that utility customers are required to pay no matter how much energy they actually use. Typically, utility bills are based on actual electricity and gas usage, perhaps with a modest fixed charge, but recently utilities have been proposing very large fixed charges on top of their already-approved charges and per-usage rates.  

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Topics: State Policy, Nevada

United Calls on Nevada PUC to Reject NV Energy’s Latest IRP Amendment

Posted by Callie McKenna on Dec 20, 2023 2:07:18 PM

United Intervenes in NV Energy’s 5th Amendment Filing

Five amendments to a three-year plan is a lot, but that’s what Nevada energy utility NV Energy has proposed to its 2021 Integrated Resource Plan. An IRP is the process through which the Public Utilities Commission of Nevada (PUCN) ensures the utility has the resources it needs to reliably and affordably serve Nevada electric customers. NV Energy’s 5th amendment to its current IRP would allow the utility to get major projects approved under a shortened, simplified process that doesn’t get the scrutiny an IRP should otherwise have.

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Topics: Regulatory, Nevada

Advanced Energy Resources are Best to Tackle Nevada’s Emerging Grid Challenges

Posted by Gabriela Olmedo on Feb 10, 2023 3:18:51 PM

NV Energy Won’t Meet the Grid Challenges of the Future With More Gas

On New Year's Eve, Nevadans lost power as forecasted rain unexpectedly arrived in the form of a snowstorm that caused widespread outages. Heavy snow took out power lines and left tens of thousands in northern Nevada without power and in the cold. This type of event is not uncommon, but in today’s modern and technology-dependent world, keeping the lights and heat on is more and more of an imperative. 

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Topics: State Policy, Wholesale Markets, Nevada

Election 2022: More Wins Than Losses for Advanced Energy

Posted by JR Tolbert on Nov 29, 2022 11:00:00 AM

Election 2022 blog image 745

The 2022 election is still not in the books, but with the outcome of most contests already known, advanced energy and its champions at the state and federal level were clear winners. Heading into any midterm election we expect to see a swing away from the sitting president’s party. This year that meant the potential to see the progress of the past four years slowed in key states across the country and at the federal level. But now, with the votes mostly tallied, we can say the stage is set for more clean energy progress next year, especially with the funds and incentives from federal legislation arriving in states ready to put it to work.

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Topics: State Policy, Federal Policy, Arizona, Manufacturing and Infrastructure, California, Nevada, Massachusetts, Maine, Maryland, Connecticut, Minnesota



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