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NV Energy’s Bait-and-Switch Plan Approved by PUCN

Posted by Caroline Grace on Mar 1, 2024

Advanced Energy United expresses disappointment in Nevada’s latest IRP amendment to move forward with natural gas plant, a missed opportunity for clean energy 

LAS VEGAS, NV — National business association Advanced Energy United (United) expressed disappointment today with the Nevada Public Utilities Commission (PUCN) decision to approve NV Energy’s Fifth Amendment to its 2021 integrated resource plan (IRP). The decision allows NV Energy to backtrack on plans to retire existing coal and gas plants in Northern Nevada. Instead of replacing them with clean energy as they proposed in 2021, NV Energy can double down on these plants for decades longer at a direct cost to ratepayers of at least $100 million, and hundreds of millions more per year in imported fuel costs. 

“It appears NV Energy has successfully jammed the PUCN with a bait-and-switch of their decade-old promise to retire the Valmy coal plant and Tracy gas units and replace them with clean energy,” said Brian Turner, Director at  United. “NV Energy didn’t do the work to follow through on that promise, and now they’ve gotten the PUCN to bail them out at ratepayers’ expense.” 

The PUCN’s hurried process for reviewing this Fifth Amendment to NV Energy‘s IRP restricted the PUCN and stakeholders’ ability to question NV Energy’s plans, which led to a systemic lack of transparency on the part of the utility. NV Energy did not have to explain how making new gas commitments through December 2049 complied with its requirement to achieve carbon neutrality by 2050, nor was it required to seek new clean energy bids when its original proposal failed.  

“The PUCN has another chance with the next IRP, due to be filed later this year, to step up and hold NV Energy accountable for its commitments,” added Turner. “The PUCN must require competitive, transparent procurement processes, like the majority of NV Energy’s peer utilities across the West use, to harness Nevada’s wealth of clean energy resources and ensure Nevadans are getting the best deal.” 

Related Materials  

  • Read Advanced Energy United’s testimony on NV Energy’s 5th IRP amendment 
  • Read our blog on NV Energy’s 5th IRP amendment  
  • Read our blog on NV Energy's 4th IRP amendment  
  • Watch Advanced Energy United’s KSNV comments  
  • Read coverage in the Nevada Independent
  • Read coverage in the Nevada Current
  • View Advanced Energy United’s comments 

Click here to learn more about Advanced Energy United's work in Nevada.

Topics: State Policy, Press Releases, Nevada, Brian Turner