The Nevada Independent reports on President Trump's executive order to halt all Inflation Reduction Act (IRA) disbursements. United's Leah Rubin Shen warns that this freeze will hurt families, small businesses, and local economies.
The Nevada Independent: Federal Funds for Nevada Solar, Home Energy Efficiency Upgrades in Limbo
Topics: United In The News, Leah Rubin Shen, Nevada
Big Pivots reports that Colorado has established itself as a national leader in the energy transition, but emphasizes the need for continued efforts to sustain its momentum. The article quotes United's Leah Rubin Shen, who highlights the state's leadership in distribution system planning.
Topics: United In The News, Colorado, Leah Rubin Shen
Big Pivots: What Does the Election Mean for Colorado’s Decarbonization Goals?
Big Pivots discusses the potential impacts of the 2024 election on Colorado's decarbonization goals in an interview with several clean energy experts, including United's Leah Rubin Shen, who highlights Colorado’s robust policies and strategic use of federal funds, emphasizing that the state is well-positioned to continue advancing its decarbonization efforts as planned.
Topics: United In The News, Colorado, Leah Rubin Shen
Clean Energy Business Representatives Support Step 2 of West-Wide Governance Pathways Initiative Straw Proposal
Western Regional Electricity Market Progress Continues to be Made
Today, the Launch Committee for the West-Wide Governance Pathways Initiative released Step 2 of its Straw Proposal, which proposes to establish a new, independent Regional Organization (RO) to govern existing regional energy markets (EIM and EDAM), as well as potentially provide additional market services in the future. Clean energy industry representatives from Advanced Energy United, Renew Home, Enel North America, and Leap provided the following statements on the proposal, which will also help advance efforts to build a regional transmission organization (RTO) in the West.
Topics: Wholesale Markets, Press Releases, Leah Rubin Shen, Western RTO, California
CAISO Approves Step 1 of the West-Wide Governance Pathways Initiative Straw Proposal
Approval marks a significant development for the West, says Advanced Energy United
The California Independent System Operator (CAISO) approved the first step of the West-Wide Governance Pathways Initiative’s straw proposal. Step 1 of the straw proposal increases the independence of the existing CAISO real-time and day-ahead markets’ governance by providing more autonomy to the existing Western Energy Market Governing Body.
Topics: Wholesale Markets, Press Releases, Leah Rubin Shen, Western RTO, California
East Bay Times: Bay Area Faces Another Affordability Crisis, This Time With Natural Gas
In an opinion piece for The East Bay Times, United's Leah Rubin Shen discusses the looming energy affordability crisis in California due to rising natural gas bills, urging state lawmakers to take decisive action for a sustainable energy transition.
Topics: United In The News, Leah Rubin Shen, California
E&E News: Western Market That Could Boost Renewables Moves Forward
E&E News reports on NV Energy's intent to join the California Independent System Operator Extended Day Ahead Market. United's Leah Rubin Shen is quoted on the several benefits of NV Energy joining a single electricity market.
Topics: United In The News, Leah Rubin Shen, Western RTO, Nevada
Extended Day-Ahead Market Shows Critical Mass with Sixth Utility Committing to Join
One step closer to advancing Western integration
Today, national business association Advanced Energy United applauds NV Energy’s signal of intent to join the California Independent System Operator’s (CAISO) extended day-ahead market (EDAM), recognizing the several benefits of joining a unified regional electricity market in the West. NV Energy becomes the sixth market participant to indicate it intends to join EDAM.
Topics: Wholesale Markets, Press Releases, Leah Rubin Shen, Western RTO, California
RTO Insider: Western RTO Group Floats Independence Plan for EDAM, WEIM
RTO Insider reports on the West-Wide Governance Pathways Initiative’s highly anticipated straw proposal. The article quotes United's Leah Rubin Shen applauding the decision and building on CAISO's Energy Imbalance Market and Extended Day-Ahead Market.
Topics: United In The News, Leah Rubin Shen, Western RTO
Clean Energy Business Representatives Applaud Proposal from West-Wide Governance Pathways Initiative
Western Regional Electricity Market Progress Continues to be Made
Today, the West-Wide Governance Pathways Initiative Launch Committee released a straw proposal that outlines a plan to establish an independent entity to oversee Western markets, building on the California Independent System Operator’s (CAISO) Western Energy Imbalance Market (WEIM) and extended day-ahead market (EDAM). Clean energy industry representatives from Advanced Energy United, Pattern Energy, and Enel North America applauded the proposal, which will help advance efforts to build a regional transmission organization (RTO) in the West.
Topics: Wholesale Markets, Press Releases, Leah Rubin Shen, Western RTO, California