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E&E News: Western Market That Could Boost Renewables Moves Forward

Posted by Jason Plautz on Jun 3, 2024

E&E News reports on NV Energy's intent to join the California Independent System Operator Extended Day Ahead Market. United's Leah Rubin Shen is quoted on the several benefits of NV Energy joining a single electricity market. 

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Topics: United In The News, Leah Rubin Shen, Western RTO, Nevada

Extended Day-Ahead Market Shows Critical Mass with Sixth Utility Committing to Join

Posted by Caroline Grace on May 31, 2024

One step closer to advancing Western integration  

Today, national business association Advanced Energy United applauds NV Energy’s signal of intent to join the California Independent System Operator’s (CAISO) extended day-ahead market (EDAM), recognizing the several benefits of joining a unified regional electricity market in the West. NV Energy becomes the sixth market participant to indicate it intends to join EDAM.

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Topics: Wholesale Markets, Press Releases, Leah Rubin Shen, Western RTO, California

RTO Insider: Western RTO Group Floats Independence Plan for EDAM, WEIM

Posted by Robert Mullin on Apr 11, 2024

RTO Insider reports on the West-Wide Governance Pathways Initiative’s highly anticipated straw proposal. The article quotes United's Leah Rubin Shen applauding the decision and building on CAISO's Energy Imbalance Market and Extended Day-Ahead Market

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Topics: United In The News, Leah Rubin Shen, Western RTO

Clean Energy Business Representatives Applaud Proposal from West-Wide Governance Pathways Initiative

Posted by Caroline Grace on Apr 10, 2024

Western Regional Electricity Market Progress Continues to be Made 

Today, the West-Wide Governance Pathways Initiative Launch Committee released a straw proposal that outlines a plan to establish an independent entity to oversee Western markets, building on the California Independent System Operator’s (CAISO) Western Energy Imbalance Market (WEIM) and extended day-ahead market (EDAM). Clean energy industry representatives from Advanced Energy United, Pattern Energy, and Enel North America applauded the proposal, which will help advance efforts to build a regional transmission organization (RTO) in the West. 

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Topics: Wholesale Markets, Press Releases, Leah Rubin Shen, Western RTO, California

Utility Dive: Bonneville staff backs joining SPP’s Markets+ day-ahead market over CAISO alternative

Posted by Ethan Howland on Apr 5, 2024

Utility Dive reports on the Bonneville Power Administration (BPA)'s recommendation to join Southwest Power Pool’s Markets+ initiative instead of the California Independent System Operator’s planned day-ahead market. The article quotes United's Leah Rubin Shen, who classifies BPA's decision as premature due to the ever-changing landscape.

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Topics: United In The News, Leah Rubin Shen, Western RTO

Two New Entities Commit to CAISO’s Extended Day-Ahead Market

Posted by Caroline Grace on Mar 21, 2024

New market approval continues forward momentum for RTO development in the West

SACRAMENTO, CA — Today, national business association Advanced Energy United applauded the commitment of Portland General Electric and Idaho Power to join the California Independent System Operator’s (CAISO) extended day-ahead market (EDAM), an electricity market poised to deliver enhanced reliability, economic, and environmental benefits to utilities and communities through the West when it begins in 2026.

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Topics: Wholesale Markets, Press Releases, Leah Rubin Shen, Western RTO, California

It’s critical that California maintain clean energy funding in budget amidst fiscal challenges, says Advanced Energy United

Posted by Angelyn Tabalba on Jun 30, 2023

SACRAMENTO, CA — This week the California legislature and Governor Gavin Newsom reached a state budget agreement that reflects California’s challenging fiscal landscape and results in difficult reductions. Advanced Energy United, the national clean energy business association, recognizes the importance of an approach that considers both economic realities and the imperative to accelerate advanced energy across the state. The budget prompts continued conversation on strengthening clean energy infrastructure and protecting crucial programs that advance California’s clean transportation goals.  

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Topics: Press Releases, Leah Rubin Shen, California

Advanced Energy United joins Gov. Newsom in calling on California legislature to speed clean energy permitting in the budget process

Posted by Adam Winer on May 19, 2023

Business group supports proposal to speed permitting for clean energy infrastructure, urges simultaneous focus on regional collaboration

SACRAMENTO, CA, May 19, 2023 – National business group Advanced Energy United reacted to Governor Newsom’s announcement of proposed legislation to simplify the evaluation process for prioritized electricity transmission and clean energy projects. State agencies resoundingly agree that California needs to expand clean energy at a record-breaking pace over the next couple decades, including upgrading and building the transmission lines necessary to electrify buildings and electric vehicles and deliver affordable energy over larger distances.  

“We are excited by this leadership from the Governor’s Office, paralleling existing discussions in the Legislature, that California is committed to doubling down on tackling the structural challenges that have long impeded timely development of new clean energy,” said Leah Rubin Shen, Managing Director at Advanced Energy United, the national business association of companies working to achieve 100% clean energy and electrified transportation in America. “Keeping our grid affordable and achieving our climate ambitions requires practical reforms to how clean energy and transmission infrastructure are evaluated and approved, as well as a stronger commitment to collaborating with other Western states on shared reliability challenges.”

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Topics: Press Releases, Leah Rubin Shen, California

AZ Mirror: With summer coming fast, regulator issues electric reliability warning

Posted by Robert Zullo on May 19, 2023

AZ Mirror examines the likelihood of summer power outages and regulator issues, quoting Leah Rubin Shen's perspective on states' responsibility to build resiliency towards ever-rising temperatures and summer heat waves.

As much as two-thirds of North America could face shortages of electricity this summer in the event of severe and protracted heat, according to the regulator in charge of setting and enforcing standards for the electric grid. 

“Increased, rapid deployment of wind, solar and batteries have made a positive impact,” said Mark Olson, manager of reliability assessments for the North American Electric Reliability Corporation (NERC), in a news release. “However, generator retirements continue to increase the risks associated with extreme summer temperatures, which factors into potential supply shortages in the western two-thirds of North America if summer temperatures spike.” 

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Topics: United In The News, Leah Rubin Shen, Arizona

Leading Energy Experts Call for Expanded Transmission and Distributed Resources, Western Regional Grid Coordination in Response to 2023 NERC Summer Reliability Assessment

Posted by Adam Winer on May 17, 2023

WASHINGTON, DC, May 17, 2023 — Today the North American Electric Reliability Corporation (NERC) released its annual summer reliability assessment warning Western states that they are in for another summer of elevated risk of blackouts due to extreme heat in 2023. NERC issued a similar warning last May, before record heat waves strained energy supplies in Arizona, California, Colorado, Montana, Nevada, Utah, Wyoming, and the Pacific Northwest in September.

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Topics: Press Releases, Colorado, Leah Rubin Shen, Amisha Rai, Western RTO, California, Arizona, Nevada