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KUNM: New Mexico Gets Massive $156M Boost for Solar Equity

Posted by Bryce Dix on Apr 24, 2024

KUNM reports on the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency's Solar For All program, which distributed $156M in grants set to unlock affordable, resilient, clean solar power to households across New Mexico. The article quotes United's Michael Barrio on the program's potential in the state

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Topics: United In The News, New Mexico, Michael Barrio

The Albuquerque Journal: Geothermal Advancements, Incentives Could Help NM Meet Renewable Energy Goals

Posted by Megan Gleason on Mar 26, 2024

The Albuquerque Journal reports on advancements in geothermal. The article quotes United's Michael Barrio on what a successful energy transition looks like and how the passage of geothermal legislation will help the state in its renewable energy transition. 

About 75 years ago in Animas, irrigators were drilling wells when they stumbled upon extremely hot water naturally bubbling up out of the ground. Little did they know, they had tapped into geothermal energy resources. The spot would later become the location of the Lightning Dock geothermal power plant — New Mexico’s first utility-scale geothermal power plant.

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Topics: United In The News, New Mexico, Michael Barrio

New Mexico Legislative Session Advances Clean Energy Initiatives

Posted by Caroline Grace on Feb 16, 2024

SANTA FE, NM— As New Mexico’s 2024 legislative session closed yesterday, the advanced energy industry made strides despite a busy session with competing priorities.

With bills advancing clean transportation, enabling building electrification, incentivizing clean energy solutions, and enhancing electric vehicle infrastructure, the session resulted in the passage of key legislation affirming New Mexico’s dedication to achieving a clean energy economy.

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Topics: State Policy, Press Releases, New Mexico, Michael Barrio

RTO Insider: Regulators Propose New Independent Western RTO

Posted by Hudson Sangree & Robert Mullin on Jul 14, 2023

RTO Insider examines the possibility of a Western RTO, citing Advanced Energy United's support for this region's hopes to develop a west-wide wholesale market.

PORTLAND, Ore. — The competition for organized markets in the West grew Friday as the Bonneville Power Administration launched a process to choose between day-ahead markets proposed by CAISO and SPP and regulators from five Western states urged the establishment of a new, independent RTO covering the entire West.

“This group proposes the creation of an entity that could serve as a means for delivering a market that includes all states in the Western Interconnection, including California, with independent governance,” regulators from Arizona, California, New Mexico, Oregon and Washington wrote to the chairs of the Western Interstate Energy Board (WIEB) and the Committee on Regional Electric Power Cooperation (CREPC).

The entity “could provide a full range of regional transmission operator services, utilizing a contract for services” with CAISO including eventual “assumption” of CAISO’s proposed Extended Day Ahead Market (EDAM) and its real-time Western Energy Imbalance Market (WEIM).

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Topics: United In The News, New Mexico, Western RTO, California, Arizona

What They’re Saying: Joining a Western RTO Would Power Economic Growth in CO, NM, and AZ

Posted by Cayli Baker on Dec 8, 2022

December 8, 2022 – Earlier this week, AEE released findings from three new state-specific reportsfor Colorado, New Mexico, and Arizona showing how joining a Western RTO would power economic growth. Check out what more leaders from across those states are saying about the numbers: 

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Topics: 21st Century Electricity System, Press Releases, New Mexico, Western RTO

What They’re Saying: Joining a Western RTO Would Power Economic Growth in CO, NM, and AZ

Posted by Cayli Baker on Dec 8, 2022

December 8, 2022 – Earlier this week, AEE released findings from three new state-specific reportsfor Colorado, New Mexico, and Arizona showing how joining a Western RTO would power economic growth. Check out what more leaders from across those states are saying about the numbers: 

Colorado Governor Jared Polis: “We are continuing to save people money, lower energy bills, and bring more good-paying jobs to Coloradans, and this new report confirms that a Western market advances our bold work achieving these goals. Colorado has committed to join a Western market by 2030, and we look forward to continuing to work with leaders across the region to lower energy costs while making progress towards our goal of 100% renewable energy by 2040."

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Topics: 21st Century Electricity System, Wholesale Markets, Press Releases, New Mexico, Colorado, Western RTO

Study Shows Regional Electric Grid Would Energize Economy in CO, NM, AZ

Posted by Cayli Baker on Dec 6, 2022

Joining a Western RTO would power economic growth and save residents millions in annual energy costs.

December 6, 2022 – Joining a Western RTO would create thousands of permanent jobs and save ratepayers millions of dollars in annual energy costs, according to new data from Advanced Energy Economy. The findings fromthree new state-specific reportsfor Colorado, New Mexico, and Arizona are based on a recent west-wide analysis conducted by independent consulting firm Energy Strategies on behalf of AEE that examined the economic impact of establishing a regional power grid.

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Topics: 21st Century Electricity System, Press Releases, Arizona, New Mexico, Colorado, Amisha Rai

Stimulus Investments in Advanced Energy Would Deliver More Than $117 Billion to New Mexico’s Economy

Posted by Jane Reynolds on Jul 28, 2021

New report from AEE finds investing in cleaner energy technologies in New Mexico would create nearly 800,000 jobs and save New Mexicans almost $6 billion annually on energy costs

SANTA FE, July 28, 2021 – National business group Advanced Energy Economy (AEE) released a new report today that adds up the benefits of a potential federal stimulus package for New Mexico’s advanced energy sector. According to the report, a federal investment of $20 billion would deliver a nearly six-fold return for the state, adding $117 billion to the GSP (gross state product). The investment would also save consumers, municipalities, and businesses almost $6 billion on energy costs every year for decades to come and create 796,000 industry jobs (measured in job-years) for New Mexicans.

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Topics: State Policy, Advanced Energy Employment, Press Releases, Economic Impact, New Mexico