Study shows that a larger and more diverse day-ahead market will provide greater economic benefits for Californians.
SACRAMENTO, CA—A new study was presented today by the Brattle Group for the California Energy Commission (CEC) that evaluates the economic benefits and reliability impacts of the day-ahead market footprint on California customers.
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Press Releases,
Western RTO,
Governor Newsom unveils 2025-26 state budget, which misses clean energy opportunities
SACRAMENTO, CA—Today, Governor Newsom and his administration unveiled California’s 2025-26 $322 billion budget. Despite touting no deficits, the budget notably misses opportunities to significantly increase funding for energy resilience and clean energy by effectively leveraging the $10 billion in climate bond (Proposition 4) funds in addition to General Fund investments.
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Press Releases,
Inside Climate News interviewed several energy experts about what to expect from state governments on renewable energy policies in the new year. United’s Amisha Rai pointed to the California Legislature’s opportunity to support the development of a regional transmission grid through the West’s Pathways Initiative. She also highlighted the bipartisan support for advanced energy solutions in Texas.
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United In The News,
Amisha Rai,
California Clean Energy Business Representatives, Environmental Advocates, and Community Choice Aggregators express support for the West-Wide Governance Pathways Initiative Step 2 Proposal
Today, the West-Wide Governance Pathways Launch Committee voted to approve the final version of its Step 2 Proposal issued in mid-November. Step 2 proposes establishing a new, independent Regional Organization (RO) to oversee Western energy markets. The RO will provide fully independent governance for the Western Energy Imbalance Market and Extended Day-Ahead Market, while CAISO will remain the market operator.
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Press Releases,
Western RTO,
SACRAMENTO, CA—Californians voted to pass Proposition 4, the Climate Bond, in response to the increasing threat of wildfires, water pollution, and extreme heat. The measure is designed to advance clean energy, ensure access to clean drinking water, and support environmental protection programs that will bolster community resiliency and response time from these climate-related disasters.
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Press Releases,
Edson Perez
Advanced Energy United urges state leaders to take a careful approach to reevaluating clean energy programs that prioritize long-term affordability solutions.
SACRAMENTO, CA—Today, California Governor Gavin Newsom issued an executive order directing state agencies to address skyrocketing energy bills. The order instructs state agencies to eliminate underperforming programs in an effort to control rate increases for customers and maintain the state’s clean energy goals.
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State Policy,
Press Releases,
Utility Dive reports on the West-Wide Governance Pathways Initiative (WWGPI) draft Step 2 proposal that would create an independent organization to oversee the Energy Imbalance Market (EIM) and pending Extended Day-Ahead Market (EDAM), which are run by the California Independent System Operator. The article quotes United's Brian Turner, a member of the WWGPI Launch Committee, saying that this independent organization could evolve to offer a full range of regional transmission organization services.
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United In The News,
Western RTO,
Brian Turner
Governor Gavin Newsom vetoes into law SB 1374
SACRAMENTO, CA – California Governor Gavin Newsom vetoed Senate Bill (SB) 1374, which was designed to accelerate local solar adoption. SB 1374 would have expanded solar benefits by reversing a prior CPUC decision that prevents schools and apartment buildings from being able to use the solar energy they generate on their properties. This misguided veto will result in unnecessary energy costs for schools and apartment buildings.
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State Policy,
Press Releases,
NewsData reports on the West-Wide Governance Pathways Initiative (WWGPI) draft Step 2 proposal. The draft Step 2 proposal includes several components: regional organization (RO) scope and function, formation of the RO, governance of the RO, public-interest protections, and the stakeholder process. The article quotes United's Brian Turner, a member of the WWGPI Launch Committee, saying that this proposal represents a significant step toward improving electricity markets in the West and addressing long-standing barriers.
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United In The News,
Western RTO,
Brian Turner
Renewable Energy World reports that California Governor Gavin Newsom has signed SB 1006 into law, requiring utilities to evaluate grid enhancing technologies (GETs) as often as every two years in transmission planning. The article quotes United's Edson Perez,who stated that the bill incentivizes the state to find the best ways to deploy these technologies across California’s utilities.
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United In The News,
Edson Perez