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Robert Mullin

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RTO Insider: Pathways Participants See ‘Pivotal’ Chance to Build New Kind of RTO

Posted by Robert Mullin on Jul 15, 2024

RTO Insider covered the West-Wide Governance Pathways Initiative Stakeholder Process workshop and said that the West faces a “pivotal” opportunity to develop a fresh approach to managing its electricity markets. The article quotes United's Brian Turner discussing thenew governance approach and model. 

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Topics: United In The News, Western RTO, Brian Turner

RTO Insider: Western RTO Group Floats Independence Plan for EDAM, WEIM

Posted by Robert Mullin on Apr 11, 2024

RTO Insider reports on the West-Wide Governance Pathways Initiative’s highly anticipated straw proposal. The article quotes United's Leah Rubin Shen applauding the decision and building on CAISO's Energy Imbalance Market and Extended Day-Ahead Market

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Topics: United In The News, Leah Rubin Shen, Western RTO

RTO Insider: Study Tallies Economy-wide Benefits of Western RTO

Posted by Robert Mullin on Aug 1, 2022

RTO Insider discussed AEE's Western RTO study, detailing the economic benefits and job creation. Read snippets below and the full article here.

Released last week by Advanced Energy Economy (AEE), the Western RTO Economic Impact Study was prepared by Energy Strategies and Peterson & Associates. It draws on analysis Energy Strategies performed for a state-led study published last year to quantify the electricity system benefits of a Western RTO.

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Topics: United In The News, Economic Impact, Western RTO

RTO Insider: FERC: ISO-NE Won’t Change EE Rules Without Stakeholder Talks

Posted by Robert Mullin on Apr 18, 2019

This RTO Insider (subscription) article highlights the positive outcome from AEE's petition to FERC to ensure ISO-NE will not alter energy efficiency performance standards outside of appropriate stakeholder process. AEE's Jeff Dennis' reaction was included. See excerpts below and the entire RTO Insider story here:

In rejecting a request for a declaratory order on Tuesday, FERC provided the petitioners exactly what they were seeking: assurance that ISO-NE will not alter its energy efficiency performance standards outside the stakeholder process.

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Topics: United In The News