WASHINGTON, April 17, 2019 — Today, Advanced Energy Economy reacted to a Federal Energy Regulatory Commission ruling on a petition filed by AEE in response to suggestions made earlier this year by ISO New England (ISO-NE) staff that the grid operator might, outside of established processes, change how already-qualified energy efficiency resources would be measured and included in its Forward Capacity Markets (FCM). In yesterday’s order, FERC concluded that ISO-NE’s commitment (made in its answer to the AEE petition) that it would not make changes to the measurement and verification process for energy efficiency resources without following the usual stakeholder process and filing the changes with the Commission made a declaratory order unnecessary at this time.
“We are pleased with the outcome here. As the Commission states in its order, ISO New England has committed that it will not make changes to the measurement and verification standards for energy efficiency resources without engaging stakeholders and making a filing with FERC," said Jeff Dennis, Managing Director, at AEE. "We appreciate this commitment by ISO-NE in its answer to our petition, and the Commission’s recognition of it, which brings needed clarity and certainty for energy efficiency resource providers. We look forward to continuing to work with ISO-NE and stakeholders in the region to ensure that advanced energy technologies can compete in the wholesale markets on a level playing field.”