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FERC To Consider New Requirements for Transmission Providers to Use Dynamic Line Ratings

Posted by Adam Winer on Jun 27, 2024

Dynamic Line Ratings use sensors to determine how much electricity a transmission line can safely transmit

WASHINGTON, DC – Today, the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (FERC) announced an advanced notice of a proposed rulemaking aimed at guiding transmission providers to implement Dynamic Line Ratings (DLR), a technology that determines the true, real-time capacity of a power line.

“Transmission operators aren’t maximizing the potential of our power lines, leading to unnecessarily high energy costs for consumers,” said Caitlin Marquis, Managing Director at Advanced Energy United. “Dynamic Line Ratings are one of the most cost-effective tools we have for getting more out of our existing power grid infrastructure.”

Advanced Energy United joined with other clean energy business associations in filing formal comments to FERC calling for more guidance on DLR use, saying in part that wider use of Dynamic Line Ratings, as well as other grid-enhancing technologies (GETs), would help ensure just and reasonable transmission rates by improving the accuracy of how much electricity can move along transmission lines.

About Dynamic Line Ratings (DLR): Technology that utilizes sensors on a transmission line to consider multiple factors beyond just the air temperature when determining how much electricity a line can safely transmit. DLR sensors measure not only temperature but also wind speed, sunlight exposure and line tension. This comprehensive set of data provides a more extensive evaluation of a power lines' condition than ambient-adjusted ratings (AAR), which are what transmission operators are currently required to use. There have been many studies on DLR; a 2021 review found DLR is over 16% more effective than AARs alone.

The draft advanced notice of proposed rulemaking (ANOPR) seeks comment on both the need for a DLR requirement and on the proposed framework of DLR reforms. Initial comments are due to FERC 90 days after publication in the Federal Register, with reply comments due 30 days later.

Click here to learn more about Advanced Energy United's work engaging with FERC and advocating for the expansion of wholesale markets.

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Topics: Wholesale Markets, Press Releases, Caitlin Marquis, FERC

Advanced Energy United Congratulates New FERC Nominees on Senate Confirmation

Posted by Adam Winer on Jun 13, 2024

WASHINGTON, DC – Today, Advanced Energy United congratulated David Rosner, Judy Chang, and Lindsay See for being confirmed by the U.S. Senate to join the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (FERC).

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Topics: Federal Policy, Press Releases, Caitlin Marquis, FERC

New FERC Order Empowers States to Expand America’s Electricity Superhighways

Posted by Adam Winer on May 13, 2024

FERC Order No. 1920 will improve transmission planning and make it easier for states to improve their transmission grid

WASHINGTON, DC – Today, the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (FERC) voted to approve new rules aimed at improving long-term regional planning for high-voltage interstate electric transmission lines. 

“Families and businesses are paying the price for utilities’ and grid operators’ failure to address our critical electricity infrastructure needs,” said Heather O’Neill, President and CEO at national business association Advanced Energy United. "Building more multi-state transmission lines unclogs the traffic jams on America’s electricity superhighways and unlocks our ability to keep up with our growing energy needs. This FERC Order sends the message that transmission planning needs to change, and recognizes that states deserve a central role in ensuring a reliable electric grid built for the future.” 

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Topics: Wholesale Markets, Press Releases, Caitlin Marquis, FERC, Heather O'Neill, Transmission

New U.S. DOE Rule Will Help Electric Transmission Get Built More Quickly

Posted by Adam Winer on Apr 25, 2024

WASHINGTON, D.C. – Today, the U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) finalized the rules for a new Coordinated Interagency Authorizations and Permits program (CITAP). The program is designed to streamline coordination across agencies and make the U.S. DOE a main point of contact between developers and the federal government. National business association Advanced Energy United submitted comments last year about the proposal.

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Topics: Federal Policy, Press Releases, Caitlin Marquis, Transmission

Advanced Energy United Urges Senate to Ensure Full Contingent at FERC

Posted by Adam Winer on Mar 20, 2024

WASHINGTON, DC – National business association Advanced Energy United released the following statement of support prior to the commencement of Confirmation Hearings for nominees David Rosner, Judy Chang, and Lindsay See to the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (FERC) before the Senate Energy & Natural Resources Committee.

"FERC plays an essential role ensuring that the U.S. has an affordable and reliable energy system, which is especially critical as we swiftly transition toward a 100 percent advanced energy economy,” said Caitlin Marquis, Managing Director at Advanced Energy United. "FERC is most capable of deliberating on the vital and complex issues before it when it has a full contingent of Commissioners. As such, we welcome the work of this committee and the Senate as a whole to swiftly consider these nominations from President Biden."

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Topics: Federal Policy, Wholesale Markets, Press Releases, Caitlin Marquis, FERC

Advanced Energy United welcomes progress on new FERC nominations

Posted by Adam Winer on Feb 29, 2024

WASHINGTON, DC – Today, national business association Advanced Energy United applauded President Biden’s nomination of three new Commissioners to fill vacant and soon-to-be vacant seats at the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (FERC).  

“A full complement of Commissioners is critical to ensure robust debate and efficient progress on the important issues that FERC will be asked to weigh in on in the coming months and years, from interconnection reform to transmission planning to market rule changes in light of the energy transition,” said Caitlin Marquis, Managing Director at Advanced Energy United. “We encourage the Senate to move forward quickly with the appointment process and look forward to working with a fully staffed Commission under the leadership of Chair Willie Phillips.”

 Background resources:  

Click here to learn more about Advanced Energy United’s work expanding wholesale markets for advanced energy, and engaging with FERC.

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Topics: Press Releases, Caitlin Marquis, FERC

RTO Insider: Advanced Energy United Grades ISO/RTO Queues as Order 2023 is Implemented

Posted by James Downing on Feb 26, 2024

RTO Insider reports on United's recently released Generation Interconnection Scorecard, authored by Grid Strategies and the Brattle Group, that evaluates and grades the seven regional transmission organizations. United's Caitlin Marquis spoke to the challenges presented by flawed interconnection systems and the importance of urgent improvements.

Advanced Energy United has released a scorecard that ranks the seven domestic ISO/RTOs on their generator interconnection processes, finding room for improvement in every one. 

Brattle Group and Grid Strategies prepared the Generator Interconnection Scorecard for United, as they did for a similar project on transmission planning last year. (See Transmission Report Card Grades MISO “B,” Southeast “F”.) 

The scorecard, released Feb. 26, comes after FERC issued Order 2023 and is meant to help track how those and other reforms are implemented, Grid Strategies President and report co-author Rob Gramlich said in an interview. (See FERC Updates Interconnection Queue Process with Order 2023.) 

“We’re hopeful that those reforms happen and further reforms get done,” Gramlich said. “And we’re hopeful that in a year or two, if and when we do this again, all of the grades will improve. But the idea was just to kind of take a snapshot at this time.” 

The flawed interconnection processes have more than 2 million MW of renewable power and storage waiting to connect to the grid, said Advanced Energy United Managing Director Caitlin Marquis. 

“This scorecard confirms what we know about the interconnection process, that grid managers have moved too slowly to adapt to changing market conditions, allowing the process of connecting new electricity to the transmission grid to become dysfunctional,” Marquis said. “Without urgent improvement, the U.S. grid may struggle to keep up with growing energy demands, threatening our ability to keep the lights on and reach our climate goals. Strong implementation of FERC’s recent reforms will be an important first step toward improving the interconnection process, and it’s also clear that additional reforms will be needed.”  

None of the ISO/RTOs managed to get an A, but both CAISO and ERCOT got Bs, with Gramlich saying one reason they did better was that they’ve proactively planned their transmission systems to add new resources. 

“That has been a little bit less of a case recently in ERCOT,” Gramlich said. “And so ERCOT used to be great from a developer perspective, but they got marked down a little bit because of a lack of transmission. Because you can connect, but there’s a lot of congestion once you connect. California has always done proactive transmission planning pretty consistently … so the grid has been prepared in advance to accommodate more generation.” 

Both also scored highly on giving developers a sense of certainty, with ERCOT assigning limited costs to interconnection customers and CAISO being credited with good transparency. 

No other market scored above a C- on United's scorecard, which highlights the need for changes to meet rising demand from new large loads, electrification, and state policies and customer demand driving more renewables onto the grid. 

“Currently, most of the regions are undergoing significant efforts to reform their interconnection practices and policies in response to stakeholder concerns and FERC Order No. 2023,” the report said. “The scorecard is not an assessment of those ongoing or recently adopted reforms that have not yet impacted the generator interconnection processes.”  

The growth of wind, utility-scale solar and storage has resulted in interconnection projects popping up everywhere, Gramlich said.

The scorecard measures six categories, the first of which is interconnection process and results, which measures an interconnection’s success rate, cost reasonableness and uncertainty. It also grades prequeue information, queue design, assumptions and criteria, availability of interconnection alternatives, and whether transmission planning takes future generation needs into account. 

That final category is the only one where the graders looked at rules now in place, which have not impacted the queues yet.  

Read the full article here. 

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Topics: Wholesale Markets, United In The News, Caitlin Marquis

Advanced Energy United releases generator interconnection report card for U.S. electric grid managers

Posted by Adam Winer on Feb 26, 2024

This first-ever comparative evaluation of generator interconnection shows electricity system operators are struggling to connect generating resources to the U.S. grid, threatening power reliability and clean energy goals

WASHINGTON, DC – A new, first-of-its-kind scorecard from national business association Advanced Energy United evaluates and grades the seven U.S. regional transmission organizations on their generator interconnection processes. The scorecard, authored by Grid Strategies and The Brattle Group, shows that interconnection is not going smoothly in any region of the country, with some regions facing serious deficiencies.

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Topics: Wholesale Markets, Press Releases, Caitlin Marquis, FERC, Transmission

RTO Insider: Biden Drops ‘Acting’ from Phillips’ Title; Clements to Leave at End of Term

Posted by James Downing on Feb 11, 2024

RTO Insider  reports on the official naming of Willie Phillips as FERC Chair The article quotes United's Caitlin Marquis, who welcomed the news and stated that Advanced Energy United hopes to see the nomination of new FERC commissioners who share interest in tackling the challenges faced by the energy sector.

President Joe Biden on Friday removed “acting” before FERC Chair Willie Phillips’ title, as Commissioner Allison Clements announced she would not seek a second term.

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Topics: United In The News, Caitlin Marquis, FERC

Advanced Energy United congratulates Willie Phillips for being named FERC Chair

Posted by Adam Winer on Feb 9, 2024

United calls on Biden Administration to nominate additional candidates to fill out commissioners 

WASHINGTON, DC – Today, national business group Advanced Energy United congratulated Willie Phillips on his elevation to Chair of the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (FERC), andurged expedient nomination of additional Commissioners to restore a full complement to FERC. 

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Topics: Wholesale Markets, Press Releases, Caitlin Marquis, FERC