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Jeff St. John

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Canary Media: Supreme Court Decision Threatens Biden’s ​‘Whole of Government’ Climate Plan

Posted by Jeff St. John on Jul 3, 2024

Canary Media reports on the consequences of the U.S. Supreme Court’s decision to overturn the Chevron doctrine, quoting United's Jeremy McDiarmid on the decision's implications for key aspects of the Inflation Reduction Act.

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Topics: Federal Policy, United In The News, Jeremy McDiarmid

Canary Media: A Western US Energy Market Would Boost Clean Energy. Will It Happen?

Posted by Jeff St. John on Jun 10, 2024

Canary Media covers recent developments, potential benefits, and regulatory hurdles related to the creation of a regional Western RTO. The story quotes United's Brian Turner, who highlights the importance of establishing a cohesive energy market in the West. 

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Topics: United In The News, Western RTO, California, Brian Turner

Canary Media: California Budget Cuts Could Decimate Key Virtual Power Plant Programs

Posted by Jeff St. John on Jun 5, 2024

Canary Media reports on California's proposed budget cuts to critical clean energy programs that would prevent blackouts and promote a cleaner, more resilient energy grid. United's Edson Perez is quoted urging policymakers to reconsider these funding cuts and emphasizing the importance of these programs. 

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Topics: United In The News, California, Edson Perez

Canary Media: New Clean Power Rules Force Utilities to Take Clean Energy Seriously

Posted by Jeff St. John on Apr 25, 2024

Canary Media reports on the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency's new rules pushing utilities to retrofit fossil-fuel plants with new technologies or swap them out for clean energy alternatives, quoting United's President and CEO Heather O'Neill on the opportunity the rules present for utilities to pivot to advanced energy solutions.

On Thursday, the Biden administration issued rules to dramatically reduce carbon emissions and pollution from U.S. power plants, while top officials weighed in with an important message: Clean energy is more than ready to supplant the fossil-fueled power plants the new regulations are intended to curb.

The long-awaited rules, the result of nearly a year of work at the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, will require individual states to craft plans for ensuring that coal-fired plants slated to stay open past 2039 control 90 percent of their carbon pollution from 2032 onward. Newly built baseload” fossil-gas-fired power plants that operate more than 40 percent of the year must do the same.

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Topics: Federal Policy, United In The News, Heather O'Neill

Canary Media: Bill Would End California Experiment with Income-Based Electric Bills

Posted by Jeff St. John on Feb 7, 2024

Canary Media reports on the California lawmakers’ efforts to overturn the California Public Utilities Commission’s plan to propose income-graduated fixed fees with Assembly Bill 1999. The article quotes Edson Perez and Brian Turner on how ratepayers will be affected by this and the consequences of this fixed charge.
Of all the ways California regulators are proposing to rein in fast-rising electric utility rates, few are as controversial as the plan to charge customers for electricity service based on how much money they make.
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Topics: United In The News, California, Brian Turner, Edson Perez

Canary Media: FERC takes a big step to get more clean energy on the US grid

Posted by Jeff St. John on Jul 31, 2023

Canary Media examines the newest approval of reforms by the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (FERC) to improve the efficiency of interconnection projects, quoting Caitlin Marquis on the anticipated positive and negative impacts of the commission's ruling.

The U.S. has far more clean energy projects seeking to connect to the grid than utilities and grid operators can handle. It’s a crisis that has been decades in the making, but one that must be resolved in the next few years if the country is to meet its climate goals.

Last Thursday, the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission approved a sweeping set of reforms to address one facet of that crisis: the need to streamline and modernize the rules and processes that govern how power projects interconnect to the nation’s transmission grids.

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Topics: United In The News, Caitlin Marquis, FERC

Canary Media: Clean energy dodges a bullet in the Texas legislature

Posted by Jeff St. John on May 31, 2023

Canary Media reports on the outcome of the recently concluded Texas legislative session, quoting Matthew Boms on how the legislature avoided passing bills that would have derailed the state's clean energy industry's efforts.

The best thing that Doug Lewin, president of Texas-based energy consultancy Stoic Energy, can say about the just-concluded Texas legislative session is that it could have been much, much worse. 

Lawmakers failed to pass bills that would have helped stabilize and clean up the Texas grid, but at least they also, at the last minute, avoided passing bills that would have crushed the state’s clean energy industry.

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Topics: United In The News, Texas Advanced Energy Business Alliance, Texas, Matthew Boms

Canary Media: Fixing the US power grid: A challenge for 2023 and beyond

Posted by Jeff St. John on Dec 29, 2022

Canary Media detailed the need to strengthen the country’s electricity system, quoting Amisha Rai on how the US can build out its energy infrastructure. Read snippets below and the full article here

The grid may be the weakest link in the chain connecting the U.S. to a clean energy future. 

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Topics: 21st Century Electricity System, United In The News, Amisha Rai

Canary Media: Clean energy would get big boost from new climate bill. Just how big?

Posted by Jeff St. John on Jul 28, 2022

Canary Media detailed how funding from the IRA would be allocated, quoting AEE's Harry Godfrey on the massive impact the bill will have on US clean energy technologies. Read snippets below and the full article here.

Senator Joe Manchin has agreed to work with Democratic Senate colleagues to quickly pass a climate and health bill that could direct nearly $370 billion over 10 years toward clean energy, electric vehicles, pollution reduction and energy security — potentially the largest-ever single federal investment in fighting climate change. 

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Topics: Federal Policy, United In The News, Manufacturing and Infrastructure, Harrison Godfrey

Canary Media: The US needs to build a bigger, stronger grid. FERC has a plan for that

Posted by Jeff St. John on Apr 25, 2022

Canary Media profiled FERC's transmission policy, quoting AEE's Jeff Dennis on how modern infrastructure can better capture the benefits of clean energy. Read snippets below and the full story here.

Over the past nine months, the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission has been working on a major reform to U.S. transmission-grid policy, one that clean-energy advocates say could determine whether or not the country will be able to build the vast amount of solar and wind power needed to combat climate change.

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Topics: Wholesale Markets, United In The News, Jeff Dennis