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Utility Dive: Policy Support, Utility Buy-In Key for VPP Growth, Say Experts from Ford, Energy Hub

Posted by Brian Martucci on Sep 26, 2024

Utility Dive covers United's September 2024 webinar about expanding VPPs in the U.S., which was moderated by United’s Chloe Holden and featured panelists from member companies Ford, PowerFlex, and EnergyHub. The article showcases United's advocacy work to overcome barriers to scaling VPPs across the country.

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Topics: United In The News, Webinar, Virtual Power Plants

RTO Insider: Could Virtual Power Plants Replace Natural Gas Peakers?

Posted by K Kaufman on Sep 18, 2024

RTO Insider reports on United's webinar "Expanding Virtual Power Plants Across the U.S.," which explored how virtual power plants (VPPs) can help regulators, utilities, and other grid stakeholders manage key challenges facing the grid, and the importance of scaling VPPs to meet the country's energy, affordability, and reliability needs. The article quotes United's Chloe Holden, who moderated the discussion, and expert panelists featured on the webinar, who shared their insights on the future of VPPs.

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Topics: United In The News, Chloe Holden, Virtual Power Plants