Across the country, clean energy developers are facing increasingly long and costly waits to connect their projects to the grid. The core problem they face is the lack of grid infrastructure to get clean electricity from where it’s made to where it is used.
Delivering A Transmission Playbook to New England Governors
Topics: Transmission, Massachusetts, Maine, Vermont, Connecticut, Rhode Island, New Hampshire
Election 2022: More Wins Than Losses for Advanced Energy
The 2022 election is still not in the books, but with the outcome of most contests already known, advanced energy and its champions at the state and federal level were clear winners. Heading into any midterm election we expect to see a swing away from the sitting president’s party. This year that meant the potential to see the progress of the past four years slowed in key states across the country and at the federal level. But now, with the votes mostly tallied, we can say the stage is set for more clean energy progress next year, especially with the funds and incentives from federal legislation arriving in states ready to put it to work.
Topics: State Policy, Arizona, California, Nevada, Massachusetts, Maine, Maryland, Connecticut, Minnesota, Federal Priorities, Federal Priorities
Since the start of this year’s legislative sessions, Advanced Energy Economy has been tracking energy legislation across all 50 states, the District of Columbia, and the U.S. Congress through its online PowerSuite platform. PowerSuite provides policy tracking by policy professionals. In the process, we have identified several trends in how states are contemplating the future of their energy, transportation, and building sectors. The bills described in this post, which range from simply introduced to fully signed into law, by no means represent every bill in the country filed this year, but are rather indicative of the attention being devoted to each topic by lawmakers. What follows represents the top 10 state energy legislative issues of 2022.
Topics: State Policy, Advanced Transportation, Virginia, Arizona, Pennsylvania, Indiana, California, Massachusetts, Arkansas, Maine, Nebraska, Tennessee, Maryland, Wyoming, Connecticut, New Jersey, West Virginia, Idaho, Washington, Hawaii, Louisiana, Minnesota, New Hampshire, South Dakota, New York, Colorado, New Mexico, Florida, Illinois
By Electrifying Government Vehicles, States are Leading by Example
A new trend is emerging as a growing number of governors and state legislatures are taking action to electrify their state-owned motor vehicles. By accelerating their own transition to clean transportation fleets, states are leading by example while saving taxpayer money, lowering maintenance requirements, reducing emissions, and contributing to energy independence.
Topics: State Policy, Advanced Transportation, Virginia, Massachusetts, Maine, Maryland, Connecticut, Rhode Island, Oregon, Washington, Hawaii, New Hampshire, North Carolina, Illinois