New York Session Ends: Key Energy Bills Stalled, Some Progress Made

Posted by Kristina Persaud on Jun 20, 2024 12:30:00 PM

Mixed Results for Energy Legislation in NY Session

The New York State legislature gaveled out in the early morning hours of June 8, marking the end of a tumultuous legislative session and leaving many bills, including some key United-championed pieces of legislation, unpassed. 

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Topics: State Policy, Transmission, New York, Building Decarbonization

United Mobilizes Coalition to Improve Generator Interconnection in New England

Posted by Alex Lawton on Jun 6, 2024 3:21:18 PM

Stakeholders Press ISO-NE on Connecting Clean Energy Resources 2

When FERC issued Order 2023 requiring an overhaul to interconnection processes, clean energy advocates lauded it as a crucial first step in addressing overdue reforms. Inefficient interconnection processes for integrating new clean energy resources onto the grid present arguably the biggest current bottleneck in the energy transition, threatening both grid reliability, affordability, and states’ abilities to meet their climate and energy policy requirements. While a lot of work to fully rectify interconnection in New England will remain even after Order 2023 reforms are implemented, compliance with this Order marks a crucial milestone towards a more efficient, equitable, and expedient interconnection process. 

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Topics: State Policy, Wholesale Markets, Transmission

How High Fixed Charges Will Burden Northern Nevadans

Posted by Emilie Olson and Brian Turner on May 15, 2024 10:00:00 AM

Mitigating the Dangers of High Fixed Charges

What is a fixed charge? Similar to fixed costs you see on your cell phone or internet bill, a fixed charge, also referred to as a “basic service charge,” is a monthly fee that utility customers are required to pay no matter how much energy they actually use. Typically, utility bills are based on actual electricity and gas usage, perhaps with a modest fixed charge, but recently utilities have been proposing very large fixed charges on top of their already-approved charges and per-usage rates.  

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Topics: State Policy, Nevada

Charting California’s Gas Infrastructure Transition

Posted by Callie McKenna and Edson Perez on May 13, 2024 8:30:00 AM

Necessary Steps to Decarbonize the Gas System in the Golden State

California has long been thought of as a pioneer in the clean energy movement, often first among states to seize new opportunities and try bold ideas to ensure a sustainable future for its residentsboth environmentally and economically.  

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Topics: State Policy, California, Building Decarbonization

Policy and Progress: The State Fleet Roadmap to Zero-Emission Vehicles

Posted by Elizabeth Stears on May 8, 2024 10:00:00 AM

Saving Taxpayer Dollars by Electrifying State Fleets

Across the United States, we are seeing a surge of electrified and zero-emission transportation initiatives. A growing number of states are setting ambitious targets to electrify their transportation sectors through incentives and policies to address the new technology. But for many states this transition also includes its own operations. Thirty-three states have set policies to transition their state-owned fleets to zero-emission vehicles (ZEVs) through both legislative mandates and executive orders (EO’s). In spearheading the shift to cleaner transportation options, states are setting an example for their residents while also capitalizing on benefits and savings taxpayers' dollars via reduced fuel and maintenance needs, lower emissions, and improved air quality. 

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Topics: State Policy, Advanced Transportation



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