New York Session Ends: Key Energy Bills Stalled, Some Progress Made

Posted by Kristina Persaud on Jun 20, 2024 12:30:00 PM

Mixed Results for Energy Legislation in NY Session

The New York State legislature gaveled out in the early morning hours of June 8, marking the end of a tumultuous legislative session and leaving many bills, including some key United-championed pieces of legislation, unpassed. 

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Topics: State Policy, Transmission, New York, Building Decarbonization

Outdated Energy Laws are Costing New Yorkers Hundreds of Millions Each Year

Posted by Sarah Steinberg on Jan 8, 2024 9:30:00 AM

Repealing 100-Foot Rule is Key to Protecting Ratepayers’ Wallets 2

According to local legend, in New York, it’s still illegal to put an ice cream cone in one’s back pocket while in public on Sundays. As the story goes, this law was enacted to prevent thieves from subtly luring a horse away from its rightful owner before the dawn of the motor vehicle. Though silly, this example is indicative of a larger trend: old laws from the 19th and 20th centuries often remain on the books because it’s more of a hassle to repeal them than to simply stop enforcing them. This can happen as social norms change, or as new technologies eclipse old ones.  

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Topics: Energy Efficiency, New York, Building Electrification, Building Decarbonization

New York Officials Make Progress Towards a Zero Emissions Transportation System

Posted by Ryan Gallentine on Dec 7, 2023 1:30:00 PM

The Empire State Makes Strides in Clean Transportation 3

November was quietly one of the most consequential months for transportation policy in New York’s history, and it’s worth looking back on everything that happened in its totality—especially given New York’s leadership role on all things clean energy, and how transforming the transportation sector may be the state’s biggest challenge in hitting its clean energy goals.

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Topics: State Policy, Advanced Transportation, New York

New York's Clean Energy Goals are Being Undermined by Utilities’ Gas Infrastructure Investments

Posted by Sarah Steinberg and Nathan Willcox on May 11, 2023 8:00:00 AM

Blog HEAT Act Critical for New York to Meet Clean Energy Goals

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Topics: State Policy, New York

Charging toward the EV transition. Part 1.

Posted by Elizabeth Stears on Jan 18, 2023 2:00:00 PM


As we navigate our way into a new year, our team is reflecting on the legislative wins that drove the electric vehicle (EV) industry forward at a historic pace in 2022 and considering the actions and opportunities they create in the year ahead. This year’s review of enacted federal and state legislation tells a story of increased urgency, funding, and massive commitments by governments and utilities to expand transportation electrification. To synthesize the EV action across the country, Advanced Energy United read and summarized thousands of pages of enacted legislation, which we provide now as a three-part series that covers seven dominant trends.

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Topics: Advanced Transportation, California, Massachusetts, Maryland, Connecticut, New York



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