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Legislators Get a Ride on Pennsylvania’s New Electric School Buses

Posted by Savannah Gribbins on Oct 1, 2024

Joint statement from Pennsylvania Electric School Bus Coalition and Representative Brandon Markosek on school bus ride-alongs for HB1542 

HARRISBURG, PA – Pennsylvania legislators got to experience the future of clean energy firsthand today, courtesy of the Steelton-Highspire School District’s electric school bus fleet, recently acquired using U.S. Environmental Protection Agency Clean School Bus Program funding.  

Advocates and legislators urged Pennsylvania House leaders to pass legislation to fund a statewide electric school bus grant program to expand access to these cleaner, cheaper, and healthier transportation alternatives. Legislation that would create a new electric school bus program, HB 1542, has already passed out of committee, but now faces the crucial step of being brought to the House floor for a vote. 

"As a proud sponsor of HB 1542, I’m excited to see Pennsylvania take bold steps towards a better future for our students and communities. Electric school buses reduce emissions and save school districts money over time. This legislation is a critical investment in both our environment and our children. Together, we can ensure that every district has access to cleaner, safer, and more cost-effective transportation," said Pennsylvania State Representative Brandon Markosek. 

“We’ve made great progress with HB 1542, but now it’s crunch time. Pennsylvania legislators need to get this bill to the floor so we can start making a real difference in our schools and communities,” said Nick Bibby, Pennsylvania State Lead at Advanced Energy United. 

“Investing in electric school buses is critical to protecting children's health, saving school districts money, supporting good-paying American jobs, and ending oil's monopoly on transportation. HB 1542 will do just that, so we urge the Pennsylvania legislature to pass this bill,” said Jordan Neerhof, Senior Policy Analyst at the Electrification Coalition. 

“Electric school buses are the cleanest, healthiest option for transporting our children safely to school. Generation180 supports Pennsylvania in creating an electric school bus grant program (HB1542) that will allow more schools to electrify their fleets and avoid harmful diesel emissions. There has never been a better time to implement a state program that protects the health of our communities and helps schools save money on operating costs,” said Shannon Crooker, Pennsylvania Director at Generation180. 

Topics: Press Releases, Pennsylvania, Electric Vehicles