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Jon Chesto

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The Boston Globe: Massachusetts and Rhode Island Announce New Round of Wind Farms, Smaller Than They Had Hoped

Posted by Jon Chesto on Sep 6, 2024

The Boston Globe discusses the recent developments in offshore wind farms in Massachusetts and Rhode Island, highlighting the significant investment and progress being made by both states to expand their offshore wind capacity, enhance renewable energy sources, and reduce carbon emissions. In the article, United's Kat Burnham praised the efforts made by Governor Healy administration in Massachusetts to support new wind farm projects.

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Topics: United In The News, Kat Burnham, Offshore Wind, Massachusetts, Rhode Island

The Boston Globe: More Federal Money Coming to Help Green New England’s Energy Grid

Posted by Jon Chesto on Aug 6, 2024

The Boston Globe covers the recent federal funding allocated to New England for grid upgrades to support clean energy goals. The article quotes United's Jeremy McDiarmid who highlights the importance of interstate cooperation, adding that state coordination should save money for New England ratepayers in the long run.

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Topics: United In The News, Massachusetts, Jeremy McDiarmid