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Caroline Grace

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Advanced Energy United Disagrees With ACC’s Efforts to Repeal Renewable Energy and Energy Efficiency Rules

Posted by Caroline Grace on Feb 15, 2024

Arizona Corporation Commission voted 4-1 to begin the process of repealing the state’s energy efficiency and renewable standards.

PHOENIX, AZ. – The Arizona Corporation Commission (ACC), in a majority 4-1 vote, voted to begin dismantling the Renewable Energy Standard & Tariff (REST) and the Energy Efficiency (EE) Standards, which have been in place since 2006 and 2010. Reversing these rules would curtail job creation, negatively impact grid resilience, and create regulatory uncertainty for businesses looking to invest in the state. Additionally, reversing long-standing policy signals to businesses that Arizona doesn’t want their jobs and investments, negatively impacting the state’s economy.

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Topics: State Policy, Press Releases, Arizona, Michael Barrio

Advanced Energy United Applauds Bill to Halt the CPUC’s Proposed Income-Graduated Fixed Fee

Posted by Caroline Grace on Feb 2, 2024

California Lawmakers are pushing to dismantle fixed fee that would hike up utility bills

SACRAMENTO, CA – A coalition of California lawmakers led by Assemblymember Jacqui Irwin have introduced Assembly Bill (AB) 1999, which would repeal a prior bill authorizing the California Public Utilities Commission (CPUC) to implement a fixed-charge billing system for residential electricity bills based on household income. Instead, AB 1999 would cap utility fixed charges at $10.

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Topics: State Policy, Press Releases, California, Edson Perez

PUC Decision On Xcel Resource Plan Lays Groundwork For More Clean Energy

Posted by Caroline Grace on Jan 29, 2024

Advanced Energy United reacts to ERP decision, highlights the benefits of clean energy and the opportunity for continued transformation of the electric grid

DENVER, CO— The Colorado Public Utilities Commission (PUC) voted to move forward with an amended version of Xcel’s Phase II of their 2021 Electric Resource Plan (ERP). While the newly approved ERP invests less in new renewable energy sources than was initially proposed by the utility, and commits to new gas generation, it continues steady progress toward a zero-carbon grid and makes important reforms for the future. 

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Topics: State Policy, Press Releases, Colorado, Brian Turner

Clean Energy Funding Must Remain a Priority Despite California’s Budget Deficit

Posted by Caroline Grace on Jan 11, 2024

Maintaining clean energy investments will help meet state policy goals, support in-state jobs

SACRAMENTO, CA – This week, Governor Gavin Newsom announced this year’s state budget, reflecting the state’s fiscal challenges. Despite reductions, the new budget preserves much of the critical funding for clean energy and transportation investments. Maintaining strong funding commitments in zero-emission vehicles and clean energy, water, and transportation infrastructure is crucial to help communities switch to less-polluting technologies, support in-state jobs, and better position the state to meet its clean energy goals.

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Topics: State Policy, Press Releases, California