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Clean Energy Bills Advance Past Committee Hurdle

Posted by Caroline Grace on Jul 1, 2024

State leaders show progress in moving forward distributed clean energy and building electrification legislation  

SACRAMENTO, CA – Today, the California Assembly Utilities and Energy Committee voted to pass Senate Bills 1221 and 1374.

Senate Bill (SB) 1221, introduced by Senator Min, directs the California Public Utilities Commission (CPUC) to create a framework for the cost-effective decarbonization of priority neighborhoods through a set number of pilot projects and help identify best practices for this new approach to managing the gas transition. 

Advanced Energy United (United), a national business organization, supports the passage of SB 1221 and 1374. 

“The pilot projects enabled by SB 1221 will engage neighborhoods, support residents with zero-emission appliances, and create quality jobs, paving the way for disadvantaged communities to access clean homes and indoor air," said United’s California policy lead Edson Perez. “SB 1221 presents an opportunity to meaningfully and thoughtfully advance the state toward its climate goals and help residents transition away from a system destined for significant cost increases.”  

SB 1374, introduced by Senator Becker, which aims to allow all Californians, including schools, apartments, churches, and farms, to fully utilize the solar energy they generate on their property with their solar system, passed the Assembly’s Utilities & Energy committee today. However, per the committee’s recommendation, it was narrowed to schools and apartments, with the decision regarding other customers going to the CPUC for further deliberation. 

"Enabling more distributed energy resources like solar and storage will help grid reliability and affordability by keeping power close to consumers and making investments in transmission and distribution as efficient as possible. By enabling schools and other multi-meter customers to take full advantage of their solar and storage investments and save money on energy costs, SB 1374 saves everyone money.  We must think about affordability at a system-wide level and with a long-term vision to ensure an energy transition that works for everyone,” Perez added.  

United is eagerly anticipating the next hearing scheduled for both SB 1221 and 1374 and urges state leaders to continue prioritizing their commitments in support.  

Click here to learn more about Advanced Energy United's work in California.

Topics: Press Releases, California, Edson Perez