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AB 1999 Passes First Hurdle to Implement Safeguards to Fixed Charges

Posted by Caroline Grace on May 15, 2024

AB 1999 passes the California Assembly Committee on Utilities & Energy. 

SACRAMENTO, CA — Today, the California Assembly Committee on Utilities & Energy passed Assemblymember Irwin’s Assembly Bill (AB) 1999, marking a significant victory for consumer protection and clean energy progress. This crucial bill now moves forward to the Assembly Appropriations Committee, and we urge lawmakers to continue supporting it to protect Californians from exorbitant fixed charges. 

AB 1999 introduces essential safeguards to fixed charges, including: 

  • Capping annual increases in the fixed fee at a rate not exceeding inflation. 
  • Mandating detailed reports by the California Public Utilities Commission on clean energy investments and their effects on rates. 
  • Setting a sunset date of 2028 for fixed charges to ensure legislative reassessment and proper oversight. 

Advanced Energy United’s California Policy Lead, Edson Perez, issued the following statement: 

“We have seen the fixed charges utilities would implement if things were up to them, with one proposal going beyond $100. Such proposals would undoubtedly increase bills for millions of Californians, severely punish those who use the least energy, wipe out incentives for Californians to support the grid during emergencies using distributed energy resource technologies, and decimate incentives to conserve energy. 

AB 1999 provides common-sense safeguards against these outcomes by capping future fixed charge increases to inflation and including a sunset provision to compel the legislature to reassess and ensure proper oversight. The passage of this bill is a significant step in protecting everyday Californians and advancing our clean energy goals. 

We urge the rest of the legislature to recognize the importance of these protections and pass AB 1999 into law.” 

The bill’s passage through the committee is a critical step toward ensuring a fair and sustainable energy future for all Californians. Let's continue to push for responsible policies that protect consumers and promote clean energy. 

Click here to learn more about Advanced Energy United's work in California.

Topics: Press Releases, California, Edson Perez