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Virginia House Passes Landmark Clean Economy Act, Senate Up Next

Posted by Monique Hanis on Mar 5, 2020

National business group applauds House of Delegates for putting Commonwealth on path for 100% clean energy by 2050, saving customers money, and creating tens of thousands of jobs. Senate action up next, with session ending Sat., March 7

RICHMOND, March 5, 2020 – Today, national business group Advanced Energy Economy applauded the Virginia House of Delegates for passing SB 851, the Virginia Clean Economy Act (VCEA), a bill that puts the Commonwealth on a historic path for 100% clean energy by 2050 while saving customers money, and creating tens of thousands of jobs. The final vote was 53-45*.

"We applaud House leaders for passage of this historic legislation, which puts Virginia on a path to 100% clean energy with energy efficiency, solar and wind energy resources. These and other measures will reduce the state's carbon emissions, drive economic growth, and create tens of thousands of in-state jobs, all while reducing monthly electric bills for customers," said Harry Godfrey, director, Advanced Energy Economy.

"We look forward to working with the Senate to secure final passage of this historic legislation that is widely supported by business, environmental, consumer and health groups," said Godfrey.

*Vote count was updated from the March 5 floor vote of 51-45 to reflect final House vote 53-45 over the weekend for the final adopted version of the bill.

Background Resources:

  • Bill language, vote counts for HB 1526* and SB 851*
  • "Lawmakers, Advocates Unveil Historic Clean Energy Legislation in Virginia,"  bill launch press statement.
  • “Virginia Advanced Energy Jobs” fact sheet here published by Advanced Energy Economy with data from labor economist BW Research using data from the 2019 U.S. Energy and Employment Report.
  • “Virginia's Energy Transition: Charting the Benefits and Tradeoffs of Virginia's Transition to a 100% Clean Energy Grid" report here by The Greenlink Group for Virginia Advanced Energy Economy. 

*AEE offers free, complimentary access to its PowerSuite online platform tracking all federal and state energy legislation and regulatory filings to credentialed media. Sign up for a free trial and contact Monique Hanis ( for permanent access.

About Advanced Energy Economy:
Advanced Energy Economy (AEE) is a national association of businesses that are making the energy we use secure, clean, and affordable. Advanced energy encompasses a broad range of products and services that constitute the best available technologies for meeting energy needs today and tomorrow. AEE’s mission is to transform public policy to enable rapid growth of advanced energy businesses. Engaged at the federal level and in more than a dozen states around the country, including Virginia. AEE represents more than 100 companies in the $238 billion U.S. advanced energy industry, which employs 3.5 million U.S. workers. Learn more at, track the latest news @AEEnet.

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