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Utility Dive: Nearly $2T Stimulus Package Omits Direct Renewable Sector Aid after Trump, McConnell Opposition

Posted by Catherine Morehouse on Mar 26, 2020

Utility Dive covered the omission of the advanced energy sector within the $2T stimulus package that was passed by the House and Senate, referencing AEE position that shift to direct pay would be no-cost. Read excerpts below and the entire UD piece here. 

Relief for the renewable energy sector was not included in the $2 trillion support package the Senate unanimously passed on Wednesday. Despite a push from Democratic Senators and clean energy leaders to include tax credit extensions and other provisions in the package, Senate leadership chose instead to focus on healthcare and broader economic aid. But industry stakeholders say several of the broader economic provisions could provide employment and other relief to the sector, and there is still opportunity for inclusion in inevitable future federal legislation that will be needed to address the industry-wide impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic.

Eighteen Democratic senators sent a letter to Senate leadership late Friday night, urging them to include relief for the clean power industry. But their efforts were not well-received by Republicans, who said such proposals were "unrelated" to the broader economic issue at hand...

But Wednesday's consensus put climate conversations on hold. Republican-led efforts to aid the oil and gas industry by purchasing oil to fill the Strategic Petroleum Reserve were also not included. The bill as it stands will create a $367 billion loan program for small businesses, deliver $500 billion in corporate aid and give $1,200 to individuals making less than $75,000 per year, among other measures...

AWEA and Advanced Energy Economy have made similar cases on the premise that the end cost to the federal government would be the same...

Read the entire UD piece here. 

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