WASHINGTON, DC – Today, Advanced Energy United congratulated David Rosner, Judy Chang, and Lindsay See for being confirmed by the U.S. Senate to join the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (FERC).
Advanced Energy United Congratulates New FERC Nominees on Senate Confirmation
Topics: Press Releases, Caitlin Marquis, FERC, Federal Priorities
FERC Order No. 1920 “provides states with an opportunity to lead” says Advanced Energy United
WASHINGTON, DC - A few states and entities have filed rehearing requests seeking to undo the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (FERC) decision to improve the rules for how the U.S. plans and pays for long-distance transmission lines. The filings appear to reflect a misunderstanding about how FERC Order No. 1920 will impact states. Rather than sideline the states, as the filings suggest, the FERC order provides a new, formalized process by which states have a role in transmission planning.
Topics: Press Releases, Amisha Rai, FERC, Federal Priorities
Bipartisan GEO Act Would Accelerate Adoption of Promising Geothermal Energy
National business association Advanced Energy United endorses GEO Act
WASHINGTON, DC – The Geothermal Energy Optimization (GEO) Act was recently proposed by a bipartisan group of Senators with the goal of accelerating the adoption of geothermal energy nationwide. Geothermal energy has the potential to be an important part of America’s growing advanced energy resource mix, alongside energy efficiency, energy storage, solar, and wind.
Topics: Press Releases, Harrison Godfrey, Federal Priorities
New Initiative Will Provide States With Federal Tools to Upgrade Electric Grid
White House and DOE announcement will help support deployment of GETs
WASHINGTON, DC – Today, the White House and the U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) announced a new Federal-State Modern Grid Deployment Initiative aimed at bolstering America’s power grid by using tools like grid-enhancing technologies (GETs) and doing advanced reconductoring. Joining the Initiative are 21 inaugural states that have agreed to partner with the federal government to speed improvements to the power system.
“At a moment when our electric grid has been neglected, and the demand for energy is on the rise, we must make immediate grid upgrades while we also plan for more long-range transmission lines,” said Verna Mandez, Director of Transmission at Advanced Energy United. “There’s a whole suite of proven, reliable, and cost-effective technological innovations able to make our electric grids do more with less. If we don’t use these proven technologies right away, consumers will be left paying more for a less reliable energy system.”
Topics: Press Releases, Transmission, Verna Mandez, Federal Priorities
Industry Should Lean Into, Instead of Litigate Against, the Energy Transition
Advanced Energy United calls on industry to stop dragging its feet and embrace more cost-efficient and reliable advanced energy solutions
WASHINGTON, D.C. – Today, a petition was filed in federal court against the recently finalized U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) emissions regulations for existing coal-fired power plants and new gas plants. National business association Advanced Energy United expressed support for the regulations when they were announced in April, and today urged against industry litigation and instead called for the embrace of cheaper, cleaner, and more reliable solutions for powering the electric grid.
Topics: Press Releases, Heather O'Neill, Federal Priorities
U.S. DOE Announces Communities Poised to Benefit from Transmission Corridors Program
A lack of electric transmission is harming or may soon harm households and businesses across the country
WASHINGTON, DC – Today, the U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) released a preliminary list of 10 potential National Interest Electric Transmission Corridors (NIETCs) to accelerate the development of transmission projects in areas that have an urgent need for expanded transmission. DOE is now seeking public input on the process.
“As America’s energy needs grow, the backbone of the energy system needs to grow with it,” said Verna Mandez, Director of Advanced Energy United’s transmission program. “Transmission is how we get affordable electricity from where it’s made to where it’s needed so we can keep the lights on and lower energy bills.”
Topics: Press Releases, Transmission, Verna Mandez, Federal Priorities
Coalition Calls for Robust Funding for Transmission in FY 2025 Budget
WASHINGTON, D.C. – In a joint letter to Congress today, a diverse coalition of more than 40 national and regional organizations and companies requested robust funding for electric transmission deployment and research in the Department of Energy (DOE)’s Fiscal Year 2025 budget.
In the letter, the groups highlight how upgrading and expanding the nation’s transmission network has taken on new immediacy.
“For the first time in two decades, demand for electricity is rising,” the groups explain. “Capacity exists to support this increasing demand and with the right investments can be brought online quickly.”
Topics: Press Releases, Transmission, Federal Priorities
New U.S. DOE Rule Will Help Electric Transmission Get Built More Quickly
WASHINGTON, D.C. – Today, the U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) finalized the rules for a new Coordinated Interagency Authorizations and Permits program (CITAP). The program is designed to streamline coordination across agencies and make the U.S. DOE a main point of contact between developers and the federal government. National business association Advanced Energy United submitted comments last year about the proposal.
Topics: Press Releases, Caitlin Marquis, Transmission, Federal Priorities
Canary Media: New Clean Power Rules Force Utilities to Take Clean Energy Seriously
Canary Media reports on the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency's new rules pushing utilities to retrofit fossil-fuel plants with new technologies or swap them out for clean energy alternatives, quoting United's President and CEO Heather O'Neill on the opportunity the rules present for utilities to pivot to advanced energy solutions.
On Thursday, the Biden administration issued rules to dramatically reduce carbon emissions and pollution from U.S. power plants, while top officials weighed in with an important message: Clean energy is more than ready to supplant the fossil-fueled power plants the new regulations are intended to curb.
The long-awaited rules, the result of nearly a year of work at the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, will require individual states to craft plans for ensuring that coal-fired plants slated to stay open past 2039 control 90 percent of their carbon pollution from 2032 onward. Newly built “baseload” fossil-gas-fired power plants that operate more than 40 percent of the year must do the same.
Topics: United In The News, Heather O'Neill, Federal Priorities
In Light of New U.S. EPA Power Plant Rules, Utilities Should Pivot to Advanced Energy Solutions
Advanced Energy United calls on utilities to switch to more affordable and reliable tools for powering the U.S. electric grid
WASHINGTON, D.C. – Today, the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) announced newly finalized emissions regulations for existing coal-fired power plants and new gas plants. Advanced Energy United, the national association of businesses united in their mission to achieve 100% clean energy and electrified transportation in America, expressed support for the regulations and called on utilities to do right by ratepayers by embracing cheaper, cleaner, and more reliable solutions for powering the electric grid.
Topics: Press Releases, Heather O'Neill, Federal Priorities