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Inside Climate News: Maryland Lawmakers Show Support for Bills Favoring Fossil Fuels, Jeopardizing Climate Commitments

Posted by Aman Azhar on Mar 20, 2025

At crossover in the Maryland General Assembly, Inside Climate News reports that lawmakers are backsliding on climate commitments and statutory obligations. United's Ryan Gallentine spoke on behalf of the clean energy industry and criticized legislation that would delay enforcement of the Advanced Clean Cars II and Advanced Clean Trucks standards, noting delayed enforcement creates a negative feedback loop.

As Maryland’s General Assembly session enters its final stretch, top Democratic lawmakers are pushing legislation that would open the door to new fossil fuel buildout across the state, weaken environmental protections and make it nearly impossible to achieve the state’s statutory climate obligations. 

Assembly leaders, among them Speaker Adrianne Jones (D-Baltimore County) and the Senate President Bill Ferguson (D-Baltimore City), are still pursuing the bills that did not make it through Monday’s crossover date. For bills to have the best chance of making it to the governor’s desk, they have to have passed at least one chamber by the 69th day of the session, which is known as crossover. 

Legislative watchers say negotiations are continuing behind closed doors in a bid to agree on a package on energy-related issues, which may include provisions for new gas-fired and nuclear power plants, battery storage and the potential removal of subsidies for trash incineration.

Environmental advocates are pushing back against legislation they see as a serious retreat from the state’s commitment to wean itself off fossil fuels, cut emissions and protect public health through a swift transition to renewable energy.

Traditionally, Maryland has aligned its vehicle emissions standards with California’s, following a model that aims to reduce transportation-sector emissions, the state’s largest source of greenhouse gases. The ACC II regulations, which California adopted in 2022, seek to accelerate the transition to zero-emission vehicles by imposing stricter limits on car emissions and setting higher EV adoption mandates.

Maryland’s commitment to adopting ACC II regulations was set in motion last year, positioning the state as a leader in clean transportation policy. However, SB 1020 could derail that progress by delaying the implementation of stricter standards. 

Under ACC II, Maryland was expected to begin phasing in higher electric vehicle sales targets by 2026. Instead, SB 1020 would allow automakers to continue selling gas-powered cars with fewer restrictions through model year 2031, weakening Maryland’s ability to meet its legally binding climate commitments. 

“We are very concerned that delaying the enforcement of the Advanced Clean Cars II and Advanced Clean Trucks standards will hinder progress on cutting air pollution and meeting our climate goals,” said Lindsey Mendelson, a transportation representative for the Maryland Sierra Club. 

“We think that it is imperative that Maryland stay committed to the clean vehicle programs. With attacks and rollbacks on climate policy at the federal level, it is even more important that Maryland take strong action on programs that cut air pollution, improve public health and save consumers money,” she said in an emailed comment.  

Ryan Gallentine, managing director of Advanced Energy United, the group representing the clean energy industry, said delaying enforcement will only make future compliance more difficult, creating a cycle where manufacturers will claim they can’t meet increasingly steep requirements. The moves appear to prioritize corporate interests over climate action, Gallentine said.  

According to the 2023 report by the American Lung Association, transitioning to zero-emission vehicle standards “would result in up to 2,100 fewer deaths and $23 billion in public health benefits across Maryland by 2050.” 

The bill is being discussed for inclusion in the leadership legislative package.

Read the full article here.

Topics: United In The News, Electric Vehicles, Ryan Gallentine, Maryland