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Coloradans are concerned about air quality, support clean-trucks rule, poll finds

Posted by Chase Woodruff on Jul 11, 2022

Colorado Newsline detailed local air pollution concerns quantified in a new poll conducted by YouGov for AEE, quoting AEE's Emilie Olson on what solutions Coloradans support for a cleaner future. Read snippets below and the full article here

As Colorado’s summer ozone season intensifies, a new poll shows large majorities of residents are concerned about the impacts of air pollution and want bolder action from government to reduce it.

Nearly three-quarters of Coloradans agree that state officials “should do more to reduce emissions from gas and diesel vehicles,” according to the poll released Monday by the group Advanced Energy Economy. Conducted by YouGov, the poll surveyed a sample of 600 Coloradans between June 8 and 16.

“Summer should be about enjoying the outdoors, but in large part because of truck pollution, it’s become an ozone warning season when it’s often unsafe to be outside,” Emilie Olson, a policy principal at AEE, said in a statement. “Coloradans want state leaders to take immediate action to reduce the vehicle pollution that’s causing poor air quality.

Read the full article here.


Topics: United In The News, Electric Vehicles, Emilie Olson