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California Legislative Session Advances Bills to Promote Grid-Enhancing Technologies and Local Solar

Posted by Caroline Grace on Aug 30, 2024

Senate Bill 1006, Assembly Bill 2779, and Senate Bill 1374 passed the California legislature, now await Governor’s signature.

SACRAMENTO, CA – As California’s 2024 legislative session reaches its final days, significant progress is still being made with the passage of key clean energy bills. Among them are Senate Bill (SB) 1006 and Assembly Bill (AB) 2779, which accelerate the deployment of grid-enhancing technologies (GETs) and advanced reconductoring technologies, and SB 1374, which aims to make solar energy more accessible for schools and apartment buildings. These bills now move to Governor Newsom’s desk for signature.

GETs are a suite of hardware and software designed to make the existing electrical grid infrastructure more efficient. These technologies offer a fast and cost-effective way to modernize the grid. Advanced reconductoring replaces existing powerline cables with advanced conductors, which significantly increases the capacity, efficiency, safety, and reliability of the powerline. SB 1006 requires utilities to analyze opportunities for GETs and advanced reconductoring deployment so the state can incorporate them into their transmission planning processes, and AB 2779 requires the California Independent System Operator (CAISO) to report to the California Public Utilities Commission (CPUC) on new GETs applications that will enhance affordability and reliability.

“California’s electricity demand is projected to skyrocket in the coming years, yet it takes us over a decade to build new transmission. This is a recipe for disaster for ratepayers, since grid congestion can cost billions and grid overloads can lead to outages and blackouts. As we accelerate the new transmission build, we must also maximize the use of the existing grid by using grid-enhancing technologies and reconductoring existing lines with advanced conductors,” said Advanced Energy United’s California Policy lead, Edson Perez. “SB 1006 and AB 2779 will unlock the potential of these revolutionary grid technologies, enabling us to meet rising power demands while minimizing rate impacts so we can keep the lights on without spending an arm and a leg.”

Senate Bill 1374 would revert a prior CPUC decision that penalizes schools and apartment buildings by preventing them from fully utilizing the solar energy they generate onsite.

Perez says, “Senate Bill 1374 will enable schools and apartment buildings to fully maximize the benefits of their solar and storage investments. It will help save on high energy costs statewide by enabling more solar and energy storage installations, and help us get through hot summer days, while accelerating the state’s transition to clean energy. Additionally, the savings generated can be reinvested back into classrooms, and foster more learning opportunities for students. ”

Advanced Energy United urges Governor Newsom to sign these bills into law to enable a more resilient and affordable energy future.

Click here to learn more about Advanced Energy United’s work in California.

Topics: State Policy, Press Releases, California