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Tampa Bay Times: Saving Electricity Employs More Floridians Than Alternative Energy

Posted by Graham Brink on Sep 27, 2019

Tampa Bay Times mentioned AEE's 2019 Advanced Energy Jobs Fact Sheet and quoted AEE's Dylan Reed in its coverage of Florida's growing energy efficiency field which highlighted an E2 report. Read quotes below and the entire Tampa Bay Times piece here. 

Saving energy is big business. There are entire firms dedicated to figuring out ways to lower electricity bills. Others help by manufacturing efficient appliances, installing energy-saving windows or creating better building materials. The technologies don’t often dazzle like the latest iPhone, but they have a profound impact on how much power people and businesses consume.

In fact, energy efficiency is the fastest-growing segment of the U.S. energy industry, according to a report from business group E2, or Environmental Entrepreneurs. More than 2.3 million people nationwide worked in the field in 2018, up 76,000 from the previous year...

Energy efficiency makes up about two-thirds of alternative energy jobs in each state, according to a separate analysis from trade group Advanced Energy Economy, whose members include Lockheed Martin, Siemens, Apple and Comcast. In Florida, it was 118,400 out of 174,100 jobs. The next-biggest category was advanced electricity generation, with 36,600 jobs related to solar, bioenergy, advanced natural gas, wind and nuclear power.

On the policy front, Advanced Energy Economy director Dylan Reed sees hope in how Gov. Ron DeSantis recently announced that the state would install fast-charging stations for electric cars at eight service plazas along the Florida Turnpike. The governor also wants more of the stations built near interstate off-ramps.

The benefits go beyond more jobs, Reed said. “There’s a great opportunity for investments in solar, energy storage, electric vehicles and energy efficiency to lead to consumer savings,” he said. “That’s the part of the story that’s fun to tell...”

Read the entire Tampa Bay Times piece here. 

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