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New Report Shows Positive Benefits for California from Greater Western Market Participation

Posted by Caroline Grace on Jan 28, 2025

Study shows that a larger and more diverse day-ahead market will provide greater economic benefits for Californians.

SACRAMENTO, CA—A new study was presented today by the Brattle Group for the California Energy Commission (CEC) that evaluates the economic benefits and reliability impacts of the day-ahead market footprint on California customers.

The study quantifies the additional benefits California customers would see if more utilities across the region participate in the Extended Day-Ahead Market (EDAM). More participation in EDAM also reduces gas generation and the curtailment of wind and solar in California, resulting in lower GHG emissions in the state.

“The study reaffirms the benefits to California from participating in a large and diverse regional market,” said Advanced Energy United’s Managing Director Leah Rubin Shen. “A day-ahead market with the broadest footprint will yield the best results for leveraging diverse clean energy resources across the West, enhancing grid reliability during extreme weather events and allowing California to efficiently access the cheapest and cleanest energy resources to serve communities across the state.”

“California is facing an energy affordability crisis,” Rubin Shen added. “This study shows that expanded trading with our neighbors is an important tool in our toolbox to reduce electricity costs for consumers.”

This report aligns with a long list of studies in recent years, including those for the Pacific Northwest, Public Service Company of New Mexico, NV Energy, and PacifiCorp, that indicate how participating in a larger regional market reduces costs for customers across the West.

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Topics: Press Releases, Western RTO, California