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Caroline Grace

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California Passes Landmark Bill to Prevent Energy Affordability Crisis as Californians Transition to Clean Buildings

Posted by Caroline Grace on Aug 31, 2024

Senate Bill 1221 passed the California legislature, and now awaits Governor’s signature.

SACRAMENTO, CA— The California legislature passed a groundbreaking, first-in-the-nation Senate Bill 1221, sponsored by Senator David Min, that will enable state-supported projects to affordably transition to clean buildings. The bill now awaits Governor Newsom’s signature.

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Topics: State Policy, Press Releases, California

California Legislative Session Advances Bills to Promote Grid-Enhancing Technologies and Local Solar

Posted by Caroline Grace on Aug 30, 2024

Senate Bill 1006, Assembly Bill 2779, and Senate Bill 1374 passed the California legislature, now await Governor’s signature.

SACRAMENTO, CA – As California’s 2024 legislative session reaches its final days, significant progress is still being made with the passage of key clean energy bills. Among them are Senate Bill (SB) 1006 and Assembly Bill (AB) 2779, which accelerate the deployment of grid-enhancing technologies (GETs) and advanced reconductoring technologies, and SB 1374, which aims to make solar energy more accessible for schools and apartment buildings. These bills now move to Governor Newsom’s desk for signature.

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Topics: State Policy, Press Releases, California

Diverse Coalition Urges California Leaders to Reject Proposals to Cut Clean Energy Programs

Posted by Caroline Grace on Aug 21, 2024

Organizations classify cuts to SGIP, SOMAH, and CalSHAPE as short-sighted decision that would exacerbate costs

SACRAMENTO, CA – California decision-makers are considering cuts to key energy programs that benefit school children, low-income communities, and California ratepayers. In response, a coalition of more than 25 clean energy, environmental, education, and affordable housing organizations submitted a letter calling on state leaders to reject potential cuts to the California Schools Healthy Air, Plumbing, and Efficiency (CalSHAPE) program, the Self-Generation Incentive Program (SGIP), and the Solar on Multifamily Affordable Housing (SOMAH) program.

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Topics: State Policy, Press Releases, Energy Efficiency, California

CAISO Approves Step 1 of the West-Wide Governance Pathways Initiative Straw Proposal

Posted by Caroline Grace on Aug 13, 2024

Approval marks a significant development for the West, says Advanced Energy United

The California Independent System Operator (CAISO) approved the first step of the West-Wide Governance Pathways Initiative’s straw proposal. Step 1 of the straw proposal increases the independence of the existing CAISO real-time and day-ahead markets’ governance by providing more autonomy to the existing Western Energy Market Governing Body.

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Topics: Wholesale Markets, Press Releases, Leah Rubin Shen, Western RTO, California

Novel Climate Bond Proposal Passes California Legislature

Posted by Caroline Grace on Jul 3, 2024

$10 billion for water, clean energy, and environmental protection has passed the full legislature   

SACRAMENTO, CA – Today, California lawmakers passed a groundbreaking $10 billion climate bond, the largest climate investment in state history. This novel initiative aims to advance clean energy, clean drinking water, and environmental protection programs that will bolster community resiliency and response time from climate-related disasters.  

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Topics: Press Releases, California, Edson Perez

Clean Energy Bills Advance Past Committee Hurdle

Posted by Caroline Grace on Jul 1, 2024

State leaders show progress in moving forward distributed clean energy and building electrification legislation  

SACRAMENTO, CA – Today,the California Assembly Utilities and Energy Committee voted to pass Senate Bills 1221 and 1374.

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Topics: Press Releases, California, Edson Perez

California’s Budget Deal Doesn’t Prioritize Clean Air or Grid Resiliency

Posted by Caroline Grace on Jun 27, 2024

State leaders severely cut clean energy and transportation programs

SACRAMENTO, CA – Today, the California legislature passed a package of bills reflecting a final budget deal reached with Governor Newsom. This agreement makes cuts of over $1 billion to critical clean energy and clean transportation programs that make our grid more resilient, improve air quality, and support good paying in-state jobs. The budget cuts can be found in Assembly Bill 107 and in this legislative report.

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Topics: Press Releases, California, Edson Perez

NV Energy’s 2024 Integrated Resource Plan Fails to Protect Consumers

Posted by Caroline Grace on Jun 11, 2024

NV Energyproposing over 400MW of new gas on top of 500MW of gas approved less than three months ago.   

CARSON CITY, NV — National business association Advanced Energy United expressed alarm that NV Energy’s 2024 Integrated Resource Plan (IRP) proposes to increase the utility’s exposure to unreliable, expensive, and risky out-of-state gas, while underutilizing made-in-Nevada renewable energy and virtual power plants. 

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Topics: Press Releases, Nevada, Brian Turner

Extended Day-Ahead Market Shows Critical Mass with Sixth Utility Committing to Join

Posted by Caroline Grace on May 31, 2024

One step closer to advancing Western integration  

Today, national business association Advanced Energy United applauds NV Energy’s signal of intent to join the California Independent System Operator’s (CAISO) extended day-ahead market (EDAM), recognizing the several benefits of joining a unified regional electricity market in the West. NV Energy becomes the sixth market participant to indicate it intends to join EDAM.

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Topics: Wholesale Markets, Press Releases, Leah Rubin Shen, Western RTO, California

California Legislators Approve Cuts to Critical Energy Programs Amid Budget Negotiations

Posted by Caroline Grace on May 30, 2024

California Lawmakers vote to cut funding for programs that help avoid blackouts

SACRAMENTO, CA — The Senate Budget Subcommittee 2 and the Assembly Budget Committee approved funding cuts to the Demand Side Grid Support (DSGS) and Distributed Electricity Backup Assets (DEBA) proposed in Governor Gavin Newsom’s May Revise.

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Topics: Press Releases, California, Edson Perez