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Washington Examiner: Democrats ask FERC to Consider Carbon Pricing

Posted by Josh Siegel & Abby Smith on May 19, 2020

Washington Examiner reported on AEE's call with others for FERC to consider carbon pricing in their Daily of Energy. Read excerpts below and the entire Washington Examiner piece here. 

Democratic senators Monday backed a call by power providers for FERC to examine the implications of imposing carbon pricing in wholesale electricity markets. “The Commission has a rare opportunity to heed the call from a diverse set of energy stakeholders who want to develop long-term certainty in the energy market with policies that could deploy and incentivize reliable, low cost, and emissions free energy,” wrote the senators, led by Sheldon Whitehouse, in a letter to FERC Chairman Neil Chatterjee.

Last month, groups including Advanced Energy Economy, Electric Power Supply Association, Natural Gas Supply Association, American Council on Renewable Energy, and R Street Institute, wrote in their own letter to FERC that a carbon pricing program in wholesale power markets could help unify differing policies in states that participate in organized markets, some of which are considering carbon pricing and others that already have clean electricity mandates.

For example, the New York Independent System Operator, ISO New England, PJM Interconnection, and California Independent System Operator Corporation have all taken steps or made statements supporting carbon pricing...

Read the entire Washington Examiner piece here. 

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