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UtilityDive: Western RTO could add up to $79.2 billion to regional economy, report finds

Posted by Kavya Balaraman on Jul 27, 2022

UtilityDive analyzed AEE's Western RTO Economic Impact Study, quoting AEE's Amisha Rai on RTO conversations with policymakers. Read snippets below and the full article here.

The creation of a West-wide regional transmission organization could generate between 159,000 and 657,000 permanent jobs through 2030, as well as up to $79.2 billion in additional gross regional product per year across the 11 Western states, according to a new report.

The report, commissioned by Advanced Energy Economy, found that every individual Western state, as well as the region as a whole, would see economic benefits from forming an RTO.

Challenges like extreme weather, drought and rising energy costs in the West are pushing policy-makers to look at in-state and regional solutions, and “obviously the conversation around development of a Western RTO, a more integrated power system across the West, is something that continues to gain traction,” said Amisha Rai, managing director at AEE, at a media briefing Tuesday.

Read the full article here.

Topics: United In The News, Amisha Rai, Western RTO