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Utility Dive: Clean energy sector eyes window for passing federal tax breaks amid challenge of high energy prices

Posted by Larry Pearl on Apr 8, 2022

Utility Dive outlined Congress' reconciliation window, citing AEE's Leah Rubin Shen on a the importance of passing clean energy tax credits. Read snippets below and the full article here.

Clean energy stakeholders see a window in the next few months for Congress to pass broad clean energy tax breaks amid high energy prices and an ever-narrowing legislative calendar.

Failing to approve the proposed tax breaks will likely result in "delayed and canceled projects and a slowing, or even reversal, of onshoring our domestic supply chains," Leah Rubin Shen, Advanced Energy Economy's federal policy director, said via email. 

"Those are the real-world implications if this doesn’t get approved — fewer wind and solar projects built, slowed efforts at decarbonizing our grid and transportation system, all while China continues to dominate the supply of technologies, like solar panels and lithium-ion batteries, critical to building a clean energy future," she continued...

While administration officials stress their willingness to talk with Manchin and other lawmakers, clean energy groups are looking to the next few months as an opportunity to pass an updated budget reconciliation package.

"It can take one or two months to move a significant package through both chambers. So, realistically, if we’re talking about passage before August, negotiations need to begin in earnest in April," AEE’s Shen said.

"The August recess effectively puts a hard stop on the legislative process, so if a reconciliation deal is coming together, June and July look like the most likely timeline for passage," Shen added...

But the reconciliation bill "is also expected to look quite different from the House-passed version [last year], with many other priorities for legislators left out, which could lead to additional challenges in moving [it] forward," Shen continued.

Read the full article here.

Topics: United In The News, Leah Rubin Shen, Federal Priorities