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Utility Dive: AEE Keeps Tabs on Gubernatorial Candidates in Key Energy States

Posted by Advanced Energy Economy on Oct 16, 2018

This Utility Dive Brief covers AEE’s newly released online scorecards to show where candidates for governor stand on a range of advanced energy policy priorities in nine key states. AEE’s J.R. Tolbert, Vice President, State Policy is quoted. Link to the full article here. See AEE’s press statement here. Excerpts of the Utility Dive story are below:

 Advanced Energy Economy (AEE) published on Tuesday scorecards for nine gubernatorial races for states with open seats and strong market opportunities for clean energy, where the trade association deemed that either candidate could support the importance of economic development and energy job creation…

 The campaign tracker shows prevalence among candidates on both sides of the aisle running their campaigns in part on advanced energy issues. Given the small amount of attention that most Americans give to their source of electricity compared to other concerns, Tolbert said the existing support was notable…

Candidates from California, ColoradoFloridaIllinoisMichiganMinnesotaNew Mexico, Nevada and Ohio were rated on state-specific scorecards based on their support for four to six criteria that AEE identified would further the advanced energy industry. Though the criteria or policy priorities are similar, they don't all track the same popularity among candidates…

Although the final list represents about half of the states with open governor seats, some states didn't qualify based on low market opportunities, low member engagement from AEE's network and "how much we felt that we could gain access and influence on both sides of the aisle," Tolbert said…

Republican candidates …are more receptive to support AEE's agenda, but more Democrats [are willing to] state support for their policy priorities overall. Despite this, Tolbert insists that AEE's lobbying is "truly bipartisan."

AEE will update the scorecards through Election Day, as candidates identify their support or opposition to advanced energy issues.

See the complete Utility Dive story here.






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