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Statement from Advanced Energy Economy on new Committee chairmanships for Sen. Wyden and Sen. Landrieu.

Posted by Malcolm Woolf on Feb 12, 2014

“We at Advanced Energy Economy extend our congratulations to Senator Ron Wyden as he becomes chairman of the Senate Committee on Finance,” said Malcolm Woolf, Senior Vice President of Policy and Government Affairs for AEE. “Senator Wyden has been a forward-looking thinker and an active supporter of advanced energy solutions throughout his career. We look forward to working with him and the committee in moving toward an energy tax structure that takes a targeted, technology-neutral approach to provide stability and certainty for the business community for the long term, and restores recently expired advanced energy tax credits for business stability and certainty in the short term.


“We would also like to congratulate Senator Mary Landrieu, as she becomes the Chairman of the Senate Committee on Energy and Natural Resources,” added Woolf. “We look forward to working with Senator Landrieu and the committee on efforts to pursue a balanced energy agenda this Congress.”


About AEE:

AEE is a national business organization representing the advanced energy industry. AEE and its state partner organizations, which are active in 22 states across the country, represent roughly 1,000 organizations. AEE’s mission is to transform public policy to enable rapid growth of advanced energy companies.  Founded in 2011, AEE has a national network of business members across states and across industries to help the advanced energy industry succeed. AEE has partner organizations active in Alaska, Arizona, Arkansas, Colorado, Connecticut, Illinois, Maine, Maryland, Massachusetts, Michigan, Nevada, New Hampshire, New Mexico, North Carolina, Ohio, Rhode Island, South Carolina, Utah, Vermont, and Wyoming, with more to come. We also have active engagements in California and New York.    

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