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Clean Energy Business Associations Applaud Gov. Shapiro’s Proposal for 35% Clean Energy by 2035

Posted by Savannah Gribbins on Mar 13, 2024

Industry associations and advocates believe new energy standards will bring jobs and investment to the Keystone State 

HARRISBURG, PA – Today, Pennsylvania Governor Josh Shapiro announced a proposal to ensure the Commonwealth generates 35% of its electricity from clean energy sources by 2035, via the Pennsylvania Reliable Energy Sustainability Standard (PRESS). Clean energy industry advocacy and trade associations Advanced Energy United, MAREC Action, Pennsylvania Solar Center, Pennsylvania Solar & Storage Industries Association, and the American Clean Power Association applauded the proposal, which will help maximize clean energy growth. 

“Gov. Shapiro’s proposal should help jump start conversations in Harrisburg about how best to bring clean energy’s massive economic and jobs benefits to Pennsylvania,” said Nick Bibby, Pennsylvania State Lead for Advanced Energy United. “Advanced Energy United applauds Gov. Shapiro for issuing his proposal, and we look forward to working with his administration and legislators to ensure Pennsylvania enacts a policy that works for deploying clean energy in the Commonwealth.” 

“MAREC Action, and our member companies building and operating grid-scale solar, wind and storage projects, applaud Governor Shapiro’s plan—it starts a real conversation about Pennsylvania's energy future,” said Evan Vaughan, Executive Director, MAREC Action. “A 35% clean and renewable energy by 2035 requirement will maximize deployment of new energy sources while maintaining a strong foundation of legacy energy industries—ensuring the Commonwealth can meet the challenge of rising electricity demand and that Pennsylvanians benefit from a balanced, resilient and clean energy mix for years to come.”

“The Pennsylvania Solar Center is encouraged by the Governor’s announcement to meet his campaign promise to increase investment in clean energy,” said Sharon Pillar, Executive Director, Pennsylvania Solar Center. “This policy will increase the adoption of solar, which will help businesses hire more workers, schools to keep teachers, and nonprofits to do more to serve their communities.”

"Our industry looks forward to increasing the market penetration of solar and other renewable energy resources in Pennsylvania, per Gov. Shapiro's announcement of these targeted goals, proposing 35% renewables by 2035", said Ron Celentano, President, Pennsylvania Solar & Storage Industries Association (PASSIA), “as it will push Pennsylvania a little closer to our neighboring states."

“Governor Shapiro’s proposal of 35% electricity from clean energy by 2035 ensures that Pennsylvania is once again helping lead the U.S. into the future of energy development,” said Moira Cyphers, Director of Eastern State Affairs for American Clean Power (ACP). “The clean energy industry is booming, creating incredible economic opportunities, reviving American manufacturing, and delivering jobs to local communities. The implementation of this policy would allow Pennsylvanians to enjoy these benefits for decades to come. We look forward to working with Governor Shapiro’s administration and the legislature for this plan to help maximize the Commonwealth’s clean energy future."

Multiple studies have found enormous potential economic and jobs benefits of advancing clean energy in Pennsylvania. Last month, Advanced Energy United, MAREC Action, and ACP released a new report written by Gabel Associates which found that more than $13.1 billion could be invested in Pennsylvania over the next seven years, and 129,000 jobs could be created, if policymakers enacted a ‘35% renewable energy by 2030’ policy.

The Alternative Energy Portfolio Standard (AEPS), which would be updated under the Governor’s PRESS plan, is a 2004 Pennsylvania law requiring electricity suppliers to include specific percentages of renewable energy in their supply, in turn creating increased demand for renewable energy. The new plan would increase the requirements from 8%, where they’ve plateaued since 2021, to 35% by 2035. Many other states have enacted much stronger renewable energy standards, like New Jersey (50% by 2030), New York (70% by 2030), and Maryland (50% by 2030), and the governor’s new plan would help send a clear market signal to investors that Pennsylvania is open for business and serious about building out the clean energy economy

About Advanced Energy United 

Advanced Energy United educates, engages, and advocates for policies that allow our member companies to compete to repower our economy with 100% clean energy. We work with decision makers at every level of government as well as regulators of energy markets to achieve this goal. The businesses we represent are lowering consumer costs, creating millions of new jobs, and providing the full range of clean, efficient, and reliable energy and transportation solutions. Together, we are united in our mission to accelerate the transition to 100% clean energy in the United States. Advanced Energy United is online at and @AdvEnergyUnited. Click here to learn more about Advanced Energy United’s work in Pennsylvania advocating for increased renewable energy. 

About MAREC Action 

MAREC Action (MAREC informally stands for “Mid-Atlantic Renewable Energy Coalition”) is a 501.c4 non-profit dedicated to the growth of renewable energy technologies that improve our environment, diversify our electricity generation portfolio, and boost economic development in the PJM grid region. Our mission is to improve and enhance the opportunities for renewable energy development in ten jurisdictions in the PJM region in and around the Mid-Atlantic, specifically:  Delaware, District of Columbia, Kentucky, Maryland, New Jersey, North Carolina, Ohio, Pennsylvania, Virginia, and West Virginia.  We provide education and expertise on the economic benefits and environmental sustainability of wind and solar energy; offer technical expertise and advice on operating and integrating wind and solar into the electrical power system; and promote fair policies, rules and regulations to expand the region’s electric transmission system to accommodate the growth of renewable energy usage.  

About American Clean Power Association 

The American Clean Power Association (ACP) is the leading voice of today’s multi-tech clean energy industry, representing over 800 energy storage, wind, utility-scale solar, clean hydrogen and transmission companies. ACP is committed to meeting America’s national security, economic and climate goals with fast-growing, low-cost, and reliable domestic power.  

About Pennsylvania Solar Center The Pennsylvania Solar Center is a nonpartisan, nonprofit 501c3 organization that works to expand the benefits of solar energy to all Pennsylvanians. We work to Transform, Education, and Advocate through our GET Solar technical assistance program to help non-residential entities to go solar, through strategic statewide communication and outreach campaigns, and advocacy to advance robust solar policies. The PA Solar Center co-leads the Renewables Work for PA coalition of more than 70 renewable energy companies working in the state to expand renewable energy. For more information:

About Pennsylvania Solar & Storage Industries Association (PASSIA) 

PASSIA is the Pennsylvania division of the Mid-Atlantic Solar & Storage Association (MSSIA), which is dedicated to advancing solar energy and energy storage as the primary energy sources in the Mid-Atlantic region, to create a sustainable energy future for all segments of the population while generating economic growth and high-quality jobs. MSSIA accomplishes it’s mission by researching, designing and advocating for policies to grow solar energy to be a major part of our future energy supply; to educate the public and policy-makers on the facts of solar energy and to remove barriers that hinder solar development; to promote local solar R&D and solar manufacturing; to assist in designing policies and infrastructure that supports solar on the local, state, and regional level; to develop solar electric and thermal energy as a significant portion of the energy supply mix; to work in tandem with municipalities and local government to utilize and support rapid adoption of solar energy; and to provide real-time data and real world evidence that demonstrates the value of solar energy to the regional electric grid and its role in combating climate change. For more information:  

Topics: State Policy, Press Releases, Pennsylvania