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RTO Insider: Studies Present Case for Domestic Cleantech Boosting US Economy

Posted by John Funk on Aug 11, 2021

RTO Insider summarized AEE's "Made in America" webinar, outlining domestic supply chain opportunities in the advanced energy sector. Read snippets below and the full story here.

The “Made in America” stamp that once appeared on myriad industrial and consumer products could resurrect the U.S. manufacturing economy if it accompanies the shift toward renewable energy and electrification, two new studies conclude.

Presented by Advanced Energy Economy, one of the studies is the work of Princeton University associate research scholar Erin Mayfield and concluded that paying higher wages to workers building massive wind and solar projects would not significantly affect the cost of the power produced.

A second study by Guidehouse Consulting for AEE looked at eight advanced energy products — such as heat pumps, electric vehicles and solar panels — with annual sales of $61 billion, backed by foreign and domestic supply chains. The analysis projected sales over the coming decade if the products’ parts were made in the U.S.

The analysis concluded that moving the supply chains to the U.S. would cost billions but create tens of thousands of good-paying jobs and boost the national GDP by tens of billions of dollars.

Read the full story here.

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