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Renewable Energy World: The Latest on SEEM, FERC, and the Impact on Renewable Energy

Posted by John Engel on Aug 20, 2021

Renewable Energy World spoke to AEE's Jeff Dennis on SEEM, FERC, and the coalition's potential impact on renewables. View the segment here.

The coalition of Southern utilities petitioning to form a new market exchange has responded to a second deficiency letter from the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (FERC).

Southeast Energy Exchange Market (SEEM) members requested a shortened comment period and prompt decision from FERC, which is expected to take action on the proposal over the next two months.

Duke Energy, Southern Company, Dominion Energy, and TVA are among the 15 member utilities behind SEEM. They argue that the new bilateral market would “materially benefit” the approximately 5 million households within the proposed coverage region by enhancing opportunities for competition and access to lower-cost energy.

Several advocacy groups have opposed SEEM, however, claiming the proposal would not deliver customers the greatest possible benefit and would not lead to additional renewable energy on the grid...

“Unfortunately, the utilities that formed SEEM, did it mostly behind closed doors,” Dennis told Renewable Energy World. “While we wouldn’t expect that FERC would necessarily direct the region to take a particular path, we do think that the commission has a role in fostering conversations that we have not been able to have to this point.” 
View the segment here.

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