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Clean Energy Business Representatives Applaud Proposal from West-Wide Governance Pathways Initiative

Posted by Caroline Grace on Apr 10, 2024

Western Regional Electricity Market Progress Continues to be Made 

Today, the West-Wide Governance Pathways Initiative Launch Committee released a straw proposal that outlines a plan to establish an independent entity to oversee Western markets, building on the California Independent System Operator’s (CAISO) Western Energy Imbalance Market (WEIM) and extended day-ahead market (EDAM). Clean energy industry representatives from Advanced Energy United, Pattern Energy, and Enel North America applauded the proposal, which will help advance efforts to build a regional transmission organization (RTO) in the West. 

“Advanced Energy United applauds the Launch Committee’s work to come up with a creative and innovative solution that is a great next step in getting us to a well-designed RTO in the West,” said Advanced Energy United Managing Director Leah Rubin Shen. “The proposal will build on the success of EIM and EDAM, preserve state authority over energy policy goals, and offer a path to additional market services, capitalizing on the reliability and cost savings benefits of sharing resources across the largest possible footprint.”

“There is no state in the West that isn’t concerned about the cost of living, including the cost of energy. We see a unifying theme of regulators taking into consideration the most cost-effective and reliable system for consumers,” said Varner Seaman, Director of Legislative and Regulatory Affairs at Pattern Energy Group. “The fewer seams there are across the West, the fewer barriers in the market. Intuitively, a market that is inclusive of California, makes the most economic sense, but ultimately, whatever market will get the best economic outcome for consumers is the right choice. Every state has an interest in how we can work better together.”

“We are very excited about the momentum happening in the West toward expanding CAISO’s successful EIM and building on top of that to have a day-ahead market. Having a market structure in the West that covers the large footprint of the West is really important, said Mona Tierney-Lloyd, Head of Regulatory & Policy at Enel North America. “EIM has been proven to work and provide benefits. EDAM will build upon EIM’s success. After we have a proven track record of Western cooperation through a shared governance model, perhaps parties will be willing to take the next step toward a Western RTO."

Read statements from other clean energy and environmental advocacy representatives on the release of the straw proposal.

Click here to learn more about our work advocating for a West-wide RTO and learn more about the West-Wide Governance Pathways Initiative by clicking here 

Topics: Wholesale Markets, Press Releases, Leah Rubin Shen, Western RTO, California