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Indianapolis Star: Biden puts climate change at center of his campaign. Here's what it could mean for Indiana.

Posted by Sarah Bowman on Oct 21, 2020

The Indy Star covered the positive effects of Biden's proposed climate plan on Indiana's economy, referencing AEE's Indiana Jobs report. Read excerpts below and the full piece here.

Democratic nominee Joe Biden has made climate change an integral component throughout his platform, even closely tying his plan for economic recovery from the pandemic to combating the climate crisis...

Some critics have pointed to the potential jobs to be lost in this transition, such as those in the extraction and production of fossil fuels. Indiana has about 2,500 coal mining jobs, according to the state.

Indiana also had nearly 91,000 people working in clean energy in 2019, according to recent report by Advanced Energy Economy, a national public policy advocacy group for the energy sector. That industry has seen continuous growth over the years, though the pandemic has stalled that trajectory.

Read the entire Indy Star piece here.

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